Antitrust Law and Economics/ (Registro n. 1429)

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Campo fixo de controle local 190617s1994 us gr 000 0 eng u
020 ## - ISBN
ISBN 0314026835
040 ## - Fonte da Catalogação
Fonte de catalogação BR-BrCADE
090 ## - Número de Chamada
Localização na estante 341.3787 G318a
Cutter G318a
100 10 - Autor
Autor GELLHORN, Ernest
245 10 - Titulo Principal
Título principal Antitrust Law and Economics/
250 ## - Edição
Edição 4. ed.
260 ## - Editora
Cidade St. Paul, Estados Unidos:
Editora West Group,
Data 1994.
300 ## - Descrição Física
Número de páginas 520 p.
505 ## - Conteúdo
Conteúdo PREFACE<br/>TABLE OF CASES <br/><br/>Chapter I. Restraints of Trade at Common Law <br/>A. Contracts in Restraint of Trade <br/>B. Monopoly and Conspiracy <br/>C. Conclusion <br/><br/>Chapter II. The Antitrust Statutes <br/>A. The Demand for Regulation <br/>B. The Sherman Act<br/>1.The Statute <br/>2.Early Interpretations <br/>C. The Clayton and Federal Trade Commission Acts<br/>1.The Clayton Act <br/>2. The Federal Trade Commission Act <br/>D. Institutional Implications<br/>1. Openended Substantive Commands<br/>2. The Choice of Goals<br/>3. Permeability of the Adjudication Process <br/>4. Coexistence With Other Economic Regulatory Schemes and Theories of Economic Organization<br/>5. Summary <br/><br/>Chapter III.Antitrust Economics (in a Nutshell) <br/>A.Some Basic Explanations and Behavioral Assump-tions <br/>1.The Demand Schedule <br/>2.Profit—Maximizing Behavior by Firms <br/>B.Basic Economic Modeis <br/>1.Perfect Competition <br/>2.Monopoly <br/>3.Competition and Monopoly Compared <br/>4.Monopolistic Competition <br/>5.Oligopoly <br/>C.Current Developments <br/>D.Conclusion <br/><br/>Chapter IV The Monopoly Problem <br/>A.Monopoly Power <br/>1. Product Market <br/>2. Geographic Market <br/>3. Federal Guidelines <br/>4. Market Share Measurement and the Treatment of Particular Classes of Industry Participants <br/>B.Monopolization: The Uses of Monopoly Power -- <br/>1.Classic Test <br/>2. Alcoa <br/>3. Post—Alcoa Developments <br/>4. Remedies <br/>5. Recent Applications <br/>a.Predatory Pricing<br/>b.Product Innovation <br/>c.Refusals to Deal <br/><br/><br/>Chapter IV. The Monopoly Problem—Continued <br/>d.Leveraging <br/>C.Attempts to Monopolize <br/>Chapter V. Horizontal Restraints: The Evolution of Standards <br/>A.The Economics of Carteis and Transaction Costs<br/>B.Horizontal Agreements and the Structure of Legal Rules: The Relationship Between Per Se Rules and Reasonableness Standards <br/>C.Price-Fixing <br/>1.Early Developments<br/>2.Development of the Rule of Reason <br/>3.The Rise of the Per Se Approach <br/>4.Current Developments <br/>D.Market Aliocations and Production Controls <br/>E.Boycotts <br/>1.Purposes and Economic Effects <br/>2. The Legal Standard E Summary <br/><br/>Chapter VI. Horizontal Restraints: Problems of Proof and Characterization <br/>Evidence of an Agreement <br/>1.The Requirement of an Agreement <br/>2.The Evidentiary Requirements <br/>a.Section 1 and the Endangerment of Overt Cartels <br/>b.Modern Development of Formulas for Defining Concerted Action <br/>c.Evidentiary Standards <br/>d.Interdependence and "Plus Factors"<br/><br/>Chapter VI.Horizontal Restraints: Problems of Proof and Characterization —Continued <br/>B.Problems of Characterization <br/>1.Information Exchanges <br/>a.Trade Associations <br/>b.Verification and Exchange of Prices by Direct Rivais <br/>c. Implications for Future Information-Sharing<br/>2.Joint Ventures and the Application of the Rule of Reason<br/>a.Characterizing the Venture and Evaluating Coiiateral Restraints <br/>b.Treatment of Outside Entities <br/>e.Recent Representative Iliustrations <br/>d.Legislative Reforms <br/><br/>Chapter VII. The Oligopoly Problem <br/>A. Economists and the Oligopoly Problem <br/>B. Legal Approaehes to the Control of Oligopolies <br/>1. Expanding the Definition of "Agreement" Under Section 1 of the Sherman Act <br/>2. Section 2 of the Sherman Act <br/>3. Section 5 of the Federal Trade Commission Act<br/>4.Invitations to Coilude <br/>5.Merger Policy <br/>6. Proposed Legislative Reforms <br/>Chapter VIII. Vertical Restraints <br/>Transaction Cost Economics and Vertical Relation-ship<br/><br/>Chapter VIII. Vertical Restraints—Continued<br/>B.Restrictions on Distribution <br/>1.Resale Price Maintenance (RPM) <br/>2.Consignments and Distribution Through Agents<br/>3.Territorial and Customer Restrictions <br/>4.Unilateral and Concerted Action Distinguished: Substantive Principles and Evidentiary Standards <br/>C.Limits on Supplier Power: Exclusionary Practices <br/>1.Tying Arrangements<br/>2.Exclusive Dealing <br/>D.Conclusion <br/><br/>Chapter IX. Mergers <br/>A. Tensions in Modern Merger Analysis <br/>B. Competitive Effects Overview <br/>1 Horizontal Mergers <br/>2. Vertical Mergers <br/>3. Conglomerate Mergers <br/>C. The Sherman Act and Mergers Tending to Monopoly<br/>D. The Enactment and Amendment of Section 7 of the Clayton Act <br/>E. The Supreme Court and Merger Analysis Since 1950 <br/>1. Vertical Mergers <br/>2. Horizontal Mergers <br/>3. Conglomerate Mergers, Potential Competition, and Joint Ventures <br/>E Government Merger Guidelines and Premerger Notification<br/><br/>Chapter IX. Mergers—Continued<br/>1. Federal Merger Guidelines <br/>2. State Merger Guidelines <br/>3. Premerger Notification <br/>G. Modern Lower Court Applications <br/>1.Market Definition <br/>2. Competitive Effects in Horizontal Mergers <br/>3. Competitive Effects in Nonhorizontal Mergers<br/>H. Conclusion <br/><br/>Chapter X. Patent and Intellectual Property Issues<br/>A.An Introduction to Patents<br/>B. Price, Territorial, and Use Restrictions <br/>C. Settlement and Accumulation <br/>D. Enforcements of Patents as an Antitrust Violation <br/><br/>Chapter XI Price Discrimination and the Robinson-Patman Act <br/>A.The Origin and Enforcement of Section 2 of the Clayton Act <br/>B.The Statute Analyzed <br/>C.Injury to Competition <br/>1.Primary Line Injury <br/>2.Secondary Line Injury <br/>D.Defenses <br/>1."Meeting Competition" <br/>2.Cost Justification <br/>3."Functional Availability" <br/><br/>Chapter XII. The Enforcement and Adjudication Process <br/>A.Public Enforcement <br/>1.The Federal Enforcement Agencies <br/>2.Antitrust Enforcement by State Governments<br/>B.Private Enforcement <br/>1.Injury to Business or Property <br/>2.Antitrust Injury <br/>3.Standing <br/>4.Direct Purchasers <br/>C.Federal Judiciary <br/>D.Conclusion <br/><br/>Chapter XIII. Limits on the Scope of the Antitrust System <br/>A.Jurisdictional Restrictions <br/>1.Interstate Commerce Requirement <br/>2.Foreign Jurisdictional Barriers <br/>B.The Effect of Government Intervention <br/>1.Federal Regulation and Exemptions<br/>a.Basic Framework of Exemptions <br/>b.Specific lilustration: Organized Labor <br/>2.State Regulation <br/>a.State Action Immunity <br/>b.Local Governments and Other Political Subdivisions <br/>c. Preemption <br/>3. Petitioning <br/><br/>Chapter XIV. The Changing Balance m Antitrust <br/>Appendix<br/>Sherman Act <br/>Clayton Act <br/>Federal Trade Commission Act <br/><br/>INDEX<br/>
700 1# - Entrada secundária - Nome Pessoal
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    Biblioteca Agamenon Magalhães Biblioteca Agamenon Magalhães 2019-08-22 Compra 31118 341.3787 G318a 2019-0591 1 2019-08-22 Livros
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