Competition law (Registro n. 3269)

006 - Campo Fixo - Material Adicional
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007 - Campo Fixo - Descrição Física
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Campo fixo de controle local 210519b2018 bl ||||g |||| 00| 0 eng u
020 ## - ISBN
ISBN 9780198779063
040 ## - Fonte da Catalogação
Fonte de catalogação BR-BrCADE
090 ## - Número de Chamada
Localização na estante 341.3787 W576c
Cutter W576c
100 1# - Autor
Autor WHISH, Richard
245 10 - Titulo Principal
Título principal Competition law
250 ## - Edição
Edição 9. ed.
260 ## - Editora
Cidade Reino Unido:
Editora Oxford,
Data 2018.
300 ## - Descrição Física
Número de páginas 1056 p.
505 ## - Conteúdo
Conteúdo Contents<br/><br/>Table of treaties and conventions<br/>Table of EU legilation<br/>Table of statutes and statutory insuuments <br/>Table of CMA reports, decisions and publications<br/>Table of guidelines, quidance and other pub!ications<br/>Table of cases<br/>List of abbreviations<br/><br/>1 Competition policy and economics<br/><br/>1. Introduction<br/>2.Overview of the Practices Controled by Competition Law <br/>3.The Theory of Competition<br/>4.The Function of Competition Law<br/>5.Market Definítion and Market Power<br/><br/>2 Overview of EU and UK competition law<br/><br/>1.introduction<br/>2 .EU law<br/>3.UK Law<br/>4.The Relationship Between EU Competition Law and National Competitíon Laws<br/>5 The institutionai Structure of EU and UK Competition Law<br/><br/>3 ArticIe101(1)<br/><br/>1. introduction<br/>2 Undertakins and Associations of Undertakings<br/>3 Agreements, Decisions and Concerted Practice<br/>4.The Object or Effect of Preventing, Restricting or Distorting Competition<br/>5.The De Minimis Doctrine<br/>6.The Effect on Trade Between Member states<br/>7.Checklist of Agreernents that Fall Outside Article 101(1)<br/><br/>4 Article101(3)<br/><br/>1 introduction<br/>2 The Article 101(3) Criteria<br/>3 Regulation 1/2003 <br/>4 Block Exemptions<br/><br/>5 Article 102<br/><br/>1. Introduction<br/>2. Overview of lhe Law and Practice of Artic!e 102<br/>3 The Commissions Guidance on Art:de 102 Enforcement Priorities<br/>4 .Undertakins<br/>5. The Effect on Inter-StateTrade<br/>6. Dominant Position<br/>7. A Substantial Part of the Internai Market<br/>8. Abuse<br/>9. Defences<br/>10.The Consequences of Infririging Article 102<br/><br/>6 The obligations of Member States under the EU competition rules<br/><br/>1. Introduction<br/>2. Article 4(3) TEU —Duty of Sincere Cooperatron<br/>3 Article 106 TFEU—Cornpliance with the Treaties <br/>4 Article 37 TFEU—Stat,e Monopolies aí a Cornmercíal Character <br/>5. Articles 107 to 109 TFEU—State Aids<br/><br/>7 Articles 101 and 102: public enforcement by the European Commission and national competition authorities under Regulation 1/2003<br/><br/>I.Overview aí Regulation 1/2003<br/>2.The Commissions Enforcement Powers under Regulation 1/2003<br/>3, Regulation 1/2003 in Practice<br/>4 Judicial Review<br/><br/>8 Articles 101 and 102: private enforcernent in the courts of Member States<br/><br/>1. Introduction<br/>2 EU Law, Actions for Darnages<br/>3. Private Actions in the UK Courts <br/>4 Compemion Law as a Defence <br/>5. Arbitration<br/><br/>9 Competition Act 1998: substantive provisions<br/><br/>1 .Introduction<br/>2. The Campetition Act 1998-Overview<br/>3 .The Chapter 1 Prohibition<br/>4 The Chapter II Prohibition<br/>5. 'Governing Principles Cause'. Section 60 of the Competition Act 1998 <br/>6. The Competition Act 1998 in Practice<br/>7 .Brexit and the Future of UK Competition Law<br/><br/>10 Competition Act 1998 and the cartel offence: public enforcement and procedure<br/><br/>1. Introduction<br/>2. lnquiries and Investigations<br/>3. Complaínts<br/>4. Opinions and Informal Advice<br/>5. Enforcement<br/>6 The Cartel Offence and Company Director Disqualification<br/>7. Concurrency<br/>8. Appeals<br/>9. Article 267 References<br/>10. NAO Reports on the UK Competition Regime<br/><br/>11 Enterprise Act 2002: market studies and market investigations<br/><br/>1. Introduction<br/>2. Gathering lnformation About Markets<br/>3. Super-Comptaints<br/>4. Market Studies<br/>S. Market Investigation References<br/>6. Public lnterest Cases<br/>7. Enforcement<br/>8. Supplementary Provisions<br/>9 .The Market lnvestigation Provisions in Practice<br/>10. Orders and Undertakirigs Under the Fair Trading Act 1973<br/><br/>12 The international dimension of competition law<br/><br/>1.Introduction<br/>2.Extraterritoriality: Theory<br/>3.The Extraterritorial Application of US Antitrust Law<br/>4.The Extraterritorial Application of EU Competition LaW<br/>5.The Extraterritorial Application of UK Competition Law<br/>6.Resistance to Extraterritorial Application of Competition Law<br/>7.The lnternationalisation of Competition Law<br/><br/>13 Horizontal agreernents (1): cartels<br/><br/>1.Introduction<br/>2 Widespread Consensus that Cartels Should be Prohibited<br/>3.EU PolicyTowards Cartels<br/>4.Horizontal Price Fixing<br/>5. Horizontal Market Sharing<br/>6. Quotas and Other Restrictions on Production<br/>7 Collusive Tendering<br/>8 Agreernents Relating to Terms and Conditions<br/>9. Exchanges of Information<br/>10 Advertising Restrictions<br/>11 Anti-Competitive Horizontal Restraints<br/>12 UK Law<br/><br/>14 Horizontal agreements (2): oligopoly, tacit collusion and collective dominance<br/><br/>1.lntroduction<br/>2.The Theory of Oligopohstic Interdependence<br/>3. Article 101<br/>4. Article 102 and Collective Dominance <br/>5. UK Law<br/><br/>15 Horizontal agreements (3): cooperation agreements<br/><br/>1.Introduction<br/>2.Full-function joint Ventures<br/>3.The Application of Article 101 to Horizontal Cooperation Agreements and the Commissions Guidelines on Horizontal Cooperation Agreements<br/>4 Information Exchange<br/>5 Research and Development Agreements<br/>6 Production Agreements<br/>7.Purchasing Agreements<br/>8.Cornmercialisation Agreements<br/>9 Standardisation Agreements<br/>10.Other Cases of Permissible Horizontal Cooperation<br/>11.The Application of the Chapter 1 Prohibition in the UK <br/>Competition Act 1998w Horizontal Cooperation Agreements<br/><br/>16 Vertical agreements<br/><br/>1.Introduction<br/>2.The Distribution Chain<br/>3. Vertical lntegration<br/>4. Commercial Agents<br/>5. Vertical Agreements:Competition PoIicy Considerations<br/>6. Vertical Agreements: Article 101 (1)<br/>7. Vertical Agreements Regulation 330/2010<br/>8. Vertical Agreements:Individual Application of Article 101(3)<br/>9. Vertical Agreeiments: Enforcement<br/>10. Regulation 461/2010 on Motor Vehicle Distribution<br/>11. Sub-Contracting Agreements <br/>12 UK Law<br/><br/>17 Abuse of dominance (1): non-pricing practices<br/><br/>1. Introduction<br/>2. Exclusive Dealing Agreements<br/>3. Tying<br/>4. Refusal toSupply<br/>5. Non Pricing Abuses that are Hamful to the Internal Market<br/>6. Miscellaneous Other Non-Pricing Abuses<br/><br/>18 Abuse of dominance (2): pricing practices<br/><br/>1. Introduction<br/>2. Cost Concepts<br/>3. Excessive Pricing<br/>4. Conditional Rebates <br/>5. Bundling<br/>6. Predatory Pricing<br/>7. Margin Squeeze<br/>8. Price Discrimination<br/>9. Pricing Practices that are Harmful to the Single Market<br/><br/>19 The relationship between intellectual property rights and competition Iaw<br/><br/>1. Introduction<br/>2. Licences af Inteilectual Property Rights: Article 101<br/>3. Technology Transfer Agreernents: Regulation 316/2014<br/>4. The Application of Artcle 101 to Other Agreements Relating to Inteltectual Property Rights<br/>5. Article 102 and Inteilectual Property Rights <br/>6, UK Law<br/><br/>20 Mergers(1):introduction<br/><br/>1. Introduction<br/>2. Terrninology<br/>3. Merger Activity<br/>4. The Proliferation of Systems of Merger Control <br/>5. Why Do Firms Merge?<br/>6. What is the Purpose aI Merger Control?<br/>7. Designing a System of Merger Contral<br/><br/>21 Mergers (2): EU law <br/><br/>1. Introduction<br/>2. Overview of EU Merger Control<br/>3. Jurisdiction <br/>4 Notification. Suspension of Concentrations, Procedural Timerable and Powers of Decision<br/>5 Substantive Analysis<br/>6. Remedies<br/>7. Powers of Investigation and Enforcement<br/>8 JudiciaI Review<br/>9. International Cooperation <br/>10, The EUMR in Practice<br/><br/>22 Mergers (3): UK Iaw<br/><br/>1.Introduction<br/>2. Overview of UK Merger Control<br/>3. The CMAs DuTy to Make References: Phase 1 Investigations<br/>4. Determination of References by the CMA: Phase 2 Investigations<br/>5. The'Substantial Lessening of CompetitionTest<br/>6, Enforcernent<br/>7. Supplernentary Provisions<br/>8. The Merger Provisions in Practice<br/>9. Public Interest Cases, 'Other Specia Cases and Mergers in the Water industry<br/><br/>23.Particular sectors <br/><br/>1.Íntroduction<br/>2.Nudear Energy<br/>3.Military Equipment<br/>4.Agriculture<br/>5.Coal and Steel<br/>6.Transport<br/>7.Regulated Industries<br/>8.ElectronicCornrnunications<br/>9.Post<br/>10.Energy<br/>11.Water<br/><br/>Bib!iography<br/>Index<br/><br/><br/>
650 #0 - ASSUNTO
9 (RLIN) 642
Assunto Direito Concorrencial
700 1# - Entrada secundária - Nome Pessoal
9 (RLIN) 2127
Nome pessoa BAILEY, David
942 ## - Elementos de Entrada Adicionados
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