Private antitrust actions: (Registro n. 1365)

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Campo fixo de controle local 190617s1996 us gr 000 0 por u
020 ## - ISBN
ISBN 0316286532
040 ## - Fonte da Catalogação
Fonte de catalogação BR-BrCADE
090 ## - Número de Chamada
Localização na estante 341.3787 F645p
Cutter F645p
100 10 - Autor
Autor FLOYD, C. Douglas
245 10 - Titulo Principal
Título principal Private antitrust actions:
Subtítulo the structure and process of civil antitrust litigation/
260 ## - Editora
Cidade Boston, Estados Unidos:
Editora Little, Bown and company,
Data 1996.
300 ## - Descrição Física
Número de páginas 1315 p.
505 ## - Conteúdo
Conteúdo TABLE OF CONTENTS<br/><br/>Preface<br/>Acknowledgment<br/><br/>1 FEDERAL JURISDICTION AND VENUE<br/>§1.1 Subject Matter Jurisdiction<br/>§1.1.1 Basic Statutory Provisions <br/>§1.1.2 Required Connection with Interstate or Foreign Commerce<br/>51.1.3 Clayton Act <br/>§ 1.1.4 Extraterritorial Applicarion <br/>§ 1.1.5 Supplemental Jurisdiction <br/>§1.2 Territorial jurisdiction - Venue and Service of Process <br/>§1.2.1 Service of Process<br/>51.2.2 Venue <br/><br/>2 RELATIONSHIP OF FEDERAL AND STATE COURTS<br/>§2.1 Introduction<br/>§2.2 Preemption<br/>2.2.1 General<br/>§2.2.2 State Laws Permitting Recovery by Indirect Purchasers<br/>2.2.3 Statc Nierger Enforcement<br/>2.2.4 Commerce Clause Preemption<br/>2.3 Removal<br/>2.3. 1 The Moitie Decision<br/>§2.3.2 Removal on the Basis of Preemption<br/>2.3.3 Removal on the Basis of "Artful Pleading"<br/>2.4 Res Judicara<br/>§2.5 Injunctions of State Proceedings: The Anti-Injuncrion Act<br/>§2.6 Stays and Abstention<br/>§2.7 Concurrent State Litigation by Non-Parties to the Federal Action<br/><br/>3 EXEMPTIONS<br/>3.1 The Labor Exemption <br/>3.1.1 Background and Basic Statutory Provisions<br/>§3.1.2 Development of the "Statutory" Exemption for "Unilateral" Union Activities: Apex Hosiery, Milk Wagon Drivers, and Hutcheson<br/>§3.1.3 Development of the "Nonstatutory" Exemption for Concerted Activities Involving Nonlabor Groups<br/>3.1.4 Relationship with National Labor Policy and the Unfair Labor Practice jurisdiction of the NLRB<br/>3.1.5 Agreements and Activities by and Among "Nonlabor Groups" <br/>§3.1.6 Effect of Termination of the Collective Bargaining Agreement The Insurance Exemption <br/>§3.2.1 Statutory Provisions <br/>3.2.2. The "Business of Insurance" <br/> Foundation Decisions <br/> Application <br/>3.2.3 Boycotts, Coercion, and Intimidation <br/>§ Foundation Decisions <br/>§ Application <br/>3.2.4 Regulation <br/>§ Foundation Decisions <br/>§ Application The Agriculture Exemption <br/>§ 3.3.1 Statutory Provisions <br/> Clayton Act Section <br/> Capper-Volstead Act Section <br/>3.3.2 Who Is Protected? <br/>§3.3.3 Combinations of Cooperarives <br/>3.3.4 Effect of Vertical Integration <br/>3.3.5 Protected Conduct <br/>3.3.6 Effect of Monopoly Power<br/>3.3.7 Jurisdiction of the Secretary of Agriculture Implied Exemptions and Primary Jurisdiction <br/>§ 3.4. 1 General Principies <br/>§ 3.4.2 The Relevance of Express Immunity Provisions <br/>3.4.3 Conduct Not Subject to Regulatory jurisdiction <br/>§3.4.4 Immunity Based on Regulatory Authority over the Practices in Question <br/>§ Gordon and NASD <br/>§ Immunity Based on Pervasive Regulation <br/>§ Immunity Based on Specific Regulatory Conflict <br/>3.4.5 Immunity Based on Agency Approval of Conduct Under a "Public Interest' Standard of Review <br/>3.4.6 The Significance of Agency Consideratiõn of Competitive Considerations <br/>3.4.7 The Effect of Agency Disapproval of Anticompetitive Conduct <br/>§3.4.8 Conduct That Es the Product of Private Business Judgment <br/>§3.4.9 The Significance of the Agency's Limited Remedial Authority <br/>3.4.10 Determination by the Court <br/>3.4.11 The Primary jurisdiction Doctrine <br/>3.5 The Keogh Doctrine <br/>3.5.1 Introduction <br/>3.5.2 The Keogh Doctrine: Originand Development <br/>3.5.3 Defining the Scope of the Doctrine <br/>§ The Competitor/Customer Distinction<br/> The Extent of Required Agency Approval <br/> Antitrust Conduct Going Beyond Agency-Approved Tariffs or Rates <br/>§3.5.4 Keogh Under State Law <br/><br/>4 GO\/ERNMENTAL IMMUNITY <br/>§4.1 State and Local Government Immunity <br/>§4.1.1 Introduction <br/>§4.1.2 Pure StateActiõn <br/> Ipso Facto Immunity <br/> Who Is Ipso Facto Immune? <br/>§4.1.3 State Regulation of Private Conduct <br/> Parker, Midcal, and the Two-Prong Test <br/>§ Suits Against the Regulated Party <br/>§4.1.4 Municipal Action <br/>4.1.5 State Agency Action <br/>4.1.6 Categorizing Defendants <br/>4.1.7 The clear Articulation and Affirmative Expression Requirement <br/>§ How Specific Must the Policy Be? <br/> Abuse of Authorization <br/> Merits of the Policy <br/> Source of the Policy <br/>4.1.8 The Active Supervision Requirement <br/> Who Must Supervise? <br/> What Constitutes Active Supervision? <br/>54.1.9 Characterizing the Doctrine: Preemption, Exemption of Immunity? <br/>54.2 Local Government Antitrust Act 01: 1984 <br/>54.3 Federal Government Immunity <br/>§4.4 Noerr-Pennington Imrnuniry <br/>4.4.1 Foundation Decisions <br/>4.4.2 Kinds of Activity Protected <br/>4.4.3 Intent to Harm a Competiror <br/>§ 4.4.4 Unprotected Private Restraints <br/>4.4.5 Conspiracies with Privare Parties <br/>4.4.6 Lawful Means and UnlawÍul Ends <br/>4.4.7 The Sham Exception <br/>4.4.8 Single Lawsuit or Proceeding as a Sham <br/>4.4.9 Misrepresentations. Bribery, and Other Unlawful or Unethical Conduct <br/>§4.4.10 Recovery of Damages Caused by Governmental Action <br/>§4.4.11 Protection of Activities Reasonably Incident to Petitioning Activities<br/>§4.4.12 Pattern of Unlawfill Conduct <br/>54.4.13 Attempts to Influence Foreign Governments <br/>§4.4.14 Attempts to Influence Commercial or Proprietary Activities <br/>§4.4.15 Burden of Pleading and Proof <br/>§4.4.16 Relationship of Noerr and Parker Irnmunities <br/>4.4.17 Non-Antitrust Litigation <br/><br/>5 LIMITATIONS<br/>5.1 Lirnitations Period<br/>§5.2 Continuing Conspiracy<br/>§5.3 Laches<br/>5.4 Tolling Provisions<br/>§ 5.4. 1 Fraudulent Concealment<br/>5.4.2 Pendency of a Government Action<br/>5.4.3 Class Actions<br/><br/>6 ANTITRUST "STANDING"<br/>6.1 Introduction <br/>6.2 Controlling Prinples<br/>§ 6.2.1 Antitrust Injury: Brunswick v. Puebio<br/>Bowl-O-Mat, Inc.<br/>§6.2.2 Duplicative Recovery and Speculative Damages: illinois Brick Co v Illinois<br/>§6.2.3 Antitrust "Standing": Blue Shield and Associated General Contractors<br/>56.3 Application of ]trhe Illinois Brick Principle <br/>6.3.1 lnjunctive Relief<br/>§ 6.3.2 Cases Not lnvolving Passing-On Theories<br/>§6.3.3 The "Control Exception"<br/>§ 6.3.4 The "Vertical Conspiracy" Exception<br/>§6.3.5 Pre-Emting Cost-Plus Contracts<br/>§6.3.6 Application of Illinois Brick to Regulated Public Utilities<br/>§6.3.7 Purchases from Nonconspirators<br/>§6.4 Antitrust Injury<br/>§6.5 Antitrust "Standing"<br/>6.5 Relationship of Previous Standing Doctrine to Supreme Court's Current Mutifactor Approach<br/>6.5.2 Application of the Multifactor Approach <br/> Procedural Issues; Relationship to the Merits Determination <br/>§ The Relationship and Importance of the AGCCFactors <br/>6.6 Standing in lnjunctive Actions <br/>6.7 Standing of Consumers <br/>§6.8 Standing of Competitors <br/>§6.9 Standing in Merger Cases <br/>§6. 10 Standing of Distributors <br/>6.11 Standing of Brokers and Agents <br/>6.12 Suits by Plaintiffs Who Are Neither Participants Nor Consumers in the Affected Markets <br/>6.13 Standing in Cases lnvolving Alleged Breaches of Contract <br/>§6.14 Standing of Unions and Emplovees<br/>6.15 Standing of Shareholders and Creditors of Corporations <br/>6.16 Others Suffering indirect or Derivative Injury <br/>6.17 Standing of Potential Entrants <br/>§6.18 Standing of Former Market Parricipants <br/>§6.19 Relationship to Recoverable Damages<br/><br/>7 MANAGEMENT OF COMPLEX LITIGATION <br/>§7.1 Multidistrict Litigation <br/>7.1.1 Historical Perspective <br/>7.1.2 Judicial Panel on Multidistrict Litigation <br/> Composition and Powers of the Panel <br/> Procedural Requirements <br/>7.1.3 Standards Governing Transfer <br/> The Decision Whether to Transfer <br/>§ The Decision Where to Transfer and the Effect of a Transfer Order <br/> Remanding to the Transferor Court <br/>§7.2 Class Actions <br/>722.1 Certiflcation <br/>§7.2. 1.1 Rule and Case Law Prerequisites <br/>§ Class Actions Maintainable <br/>7.2.2 Case Management Concerns <br/><br/>7.2.3 Notice to Class Members <br/>7.2.4 Communication to Members by Class Attorney<br/>§7.2.5 Settlement Issues<br/><br/>8 JURY TRIAL AND SUMMARY JUDGMENT <br/>8.1 Right to a jury Trial in Antitrust Actions General <br/>8.2 Limitations on Jury Trial Right: The Complexity Exception <br/>§8.3 Taking the Case from the Jury: Summary Judgment and Judgment as a Matter of Law <br/>§8.3.1 Earlier Decisions Disfavoring Summary Judgment in Antitrust Cases <br/>§8.3.2 Decisions Reversing the Presumption Against Summary judgment Antitrust Cases <br/>§8.3.3 Summary judgment Principles Applicable to Federal Antitrust Cases After Monsanto and Matsushita <br/>§ 8.3.4 Burden of Producing Evidence on Motion for Summary judgment <br/>§8.3.5 Deterrnining Whethcr Therc Is a Genuine Issue of Material Fact <br/>8.3.6 Right to A jury Determinarjon of the Existence of a Conspiracy <br/>§ Direct Evidence of Conspiracy <br/>§ Vertical Conspiracy Cases <br/> Horizontal Conspiracy Cases Based on Circunstantial Evidence <br/>§8.3.7 Judgment as a Matter of Law: Other Issues <br/>§8.3.8 Suficiency of Expert Testimony to Create a Triable Issue of Fact <br/><br/>9 LIABILITIES AND REMEDIES <br/>9.1Joint and Several Liability <br/>§9.2 Contribution and Claim Reduction <br/>9.3 Vicarious Liability <br/>§9.4 Proof of Injury and Damages <br/>§9.4.1 Business or Property Requirement <br/>§9.4.2 "By Reason of" Requirement <br/>§9.4.3 Standards for Proof of the Fact and the Amount of Damage <br/> Recovery for lncreased Costs <br/>§ Recovery for Lost Profits of a Continuing Business <br/> Recovery for Lost Profits of a Terminated Business <br/> Recovery for Reduction in Business Value <br/>§9.4.4 The Off setting Beneflt Rule <br/>§9.5 Injunctive and Other Equitable Relief <br/>§9.5.1 Preliminary Injunction <br/>§9.5.2 Permanent lnjunction <br/>9.5.3 Divestiture <br/><br/>10.ATTORNEYS' FEES AND COSTS<br/>10.1 Purposes and Authority <br/>10.1.1 Statutory Provisions: Private Damages Actions<br/>§10.1.2 Statutory Provisions: Injunctive Actions<br/>10.13 The Equitable Fund Doctrine<br/>§ 10.1.4 Attorneys' Fees as Sanctions Determination of the Amount of the Award; Factors Considered <br/>10.2.1 Methods of Calculation: Lodestar" and Percentage of Recovery Methods<br/>§10.2.2 Determination of the Appropriate Percentage Award in a Common Fund Case<br/>§10.2.3 Determination of Hours and Rates<br/>10.2.4 Multipliers<br/>§10.2.5 Impact of Hensley v Eckerbart, Blum v. Stenson, and City of Burlington v. Dague<br/>§10.2.6 Effect of Partial Success<br/>§10.2.7 Relation of Fees to Amount of Rccuvery<br/>10.2.8 Fees where Recuvery Is Nonmonetary<br/>10.2.9 Effect of Private Fee Agreements on a Fee Award<br/>§ 10.2.10 Special Problems in Class Acrion Settlements; Allocarion of Award<br/>§ 10.2.11 Government Attorneys Compensable Services<br/>§ 10.3.1 Paralegals<br/>510.3.2 Time Expended on Fee Application<br/>§ 10.3.3 Travel Time and Local Counsel<br/>10.3.4 Time on Appeal Procedure <br/>10.4.1 Burden of Proof; Evidence<br/>104.2 Hearings<br/>§ 10.4.3 Appellate Review Costs <br/>10.5.1 Items of Recoverable Costs: General<br/>§ 10.5.2 Transcripts of Depositions and Trial Proceedings <br/>§10.5.3 General and Expert Witness Fees <br/>10.5.4 Artorney's Out-of-Pocket Expenses <br/>§ 10.5.5 Amount of Recoverable Costs<br/><br/>11 CLAIM AND ISSUE PRECLUSION <br/>§ 1.1 Introduction <br/>1 1.2 Claim Preclusion <br/>§ 11.2.1 Final Judgment "On the Merits" <br/>§1 1.2.2 Defluition of a Cause of Action <br/>§1 1.2.3 Effect of Federal Judgments in State Proceedings <br/>§1 1 .2.4 Effect of State judgments in Federal Proceedings <br/>§ 11.2.5 Effect of Continuing Conduct and Damages <br/>§ 11.3 issue Preclusion <br/>§11.3.1 Federal and State Proceedings <br/>11-3.2 Non mutual Collateral Estoppel <br/>11.3.3 Exceptions to Nonmutual Collateral Estoppel <br/>§11.4 Questions of Law <br/>§ 11.5 Preclusive Effect of Consent Judgments <br/>§ 11.6 Preclusive Effect of Prior Guilty Pleas <br/>§11.7 Preclusion in Class Actions <br/>§ 11.8 Preclusive Effect of Administrative Determinations <br/>11.9 Preclusive Effect of Government Decrees <br/><br/>Table of Cases <br/>Table of Authorities <br/>Index <br/><br/>
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