The Economics of Regulation: (Registro n. 1542)

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020 ## - ISBN
ISBN 262111292
040 ## - Fonte da Catalogação
Fonte de catalogação BR-BrCADE
090 ## - Número de Chamada
Localização na estante 338.973 K12e
Cutter K12e
100 10 - Autor
Autor KAHN, Alfred E.
245 14 - Titulo Principal
Título principal The Economics of Regulation:
Subtítulo Principle and Institutions/
260 ## - Editora
Cidade Massachusetts, Estados Unidos:
Editora The MIT Press,
Data 1998.
300 ## - Descrição Física
Número de páginas 360 p.
505 ## - Conteúdo
Conteúdo Contents<br/>Foreword by Paul L.Joskow <br/>Introduction: A Postcript, Seventeen Years After<br/>•The Deregulation Revolution<br/>•The Rcsiiits of Deregulation in the Structurally Competitive Industries <br/>•Changes in Utility Regulatory Practices—Aggregate Revenue Requirements <br/>•Changes in Utility Regulatory Practices—Rate Structures <br/>•The Anomalies and Distortions of Partial Deregulation <br/><br/>Preface 1<br/>Volume I Economic Principies<br/>Part I<br/>The Institution of Regulated Monopoly<br/><br/>1 Introduction: The Rationale of Regulation and the Proper Role of Economics <br/>The Reguiated Sector <br/>The Legal Rationale <br/>The Distinction in Practice <br/>The Economic Rationale <br/>The Economics of Regulation <br/>Economics and Noneconomics, Science and Prescription <br/>What Can Economics Contribute? Principies and Institutions <br/>2 The Traditional Issues in the Pricing of Public Utility Services <br/>The Limited Attention to Quaiity ofService 21 Regulating the Rate Level<br/>•Supervision and Controi of Operating Costs and Capital Outiays<br/>•Determination of Lhe "Rate Base" <br/>•Selection of the Permitted Rate of Return<br/>Problems in Measuring lhe Cosi of Capital<br/>Should lhe Rale Be Adjusted for Changes in Prices?<br/>The Standard of Comparable Earnings<br/>The Problem of Rewar& and Incentives<br/>Regulating Rate Sinictures <br/>Appendix A: Explanation oU Mathematicai Derivation of Cost oU Capital Formula <br/><br/>Part II<br/>Economic Principies of Rate Making<br/>Marginal Cost Pricing <br/>The Central Economic Principie: Marginal Cost Pricing <br/>l'robienis oU Delining Marginal Cosi <br/>•Specitying the Time Perspective <br/>•Specifying the Incrementai Biock oU Output <br/>•ldentifyiiig Marginal Cosi When a Large Proportion oU Cosis Are Comnum<br/>Tempering Principie with Practicality --- or One PrincipIe witli Another <br/>4 The Application of Long- and Short-Run Marginal Costs <br/>The Distribution oU Capacity Costs <br/>•The Shift to Long-Run Marginal Costs<br/>•Peak Responsibility<br/>The Appropriate Time Pattcrn of Rates <br/>•Clianging Relationship oU Capacity to Demand <br/>•Changing Cosi Leveis: Reproduction versus Original Capital Costs <br/>•Deprecialion Policy and Technological Process <br/>5 Decreasing Costs and Price Discrimination <br/>'l'he Occasions for Discrimination <br/>•The Nature and Prevalence oU Decreasing Costs <br/>•Implications and Solutions <br/>•Technologicai Progress and Oveihead Costs <br/>PrincipIes of Discrimination <br/>•Who Deserves the MC Piice? <br/>•The Proper Limits of Discrimination<br/>Fully Distributed Costs <br/>6 Rate-Making in the Presence of Competition <br/>The Central Role oU Loiig-Run Marginal Costs <br/>The Impaci oH Competition at the Secondary Level<br/>Iinpact ai the Primary Levei and Other Institutional Considerations <br/>Conclusions <br/>7 Qualifications: Practicability, Externalities, Second-Best and Noneconomic Considerations <br/>Administrative Considerations<br/>Noneconomic Considerations<br/>Externalities<br/>The Probiem of Second Besi<br/>Conclusion <br/><br/>Volume II Institutional Issues <br/>Intioduction <br/>1 Monopoly and Protectionism <br/>The Association of Regulation with Monopoly Protectionism and Conservatism<br/>•Transportation<br/>The Maior Carrier Act of 1935<br/>The Probleins Creaied bExempi Carriei<br/>Price Culiing by the Railroads<br/>The Orientalion of I?egulalmy Policy <br/>The Tendency oF Regulation to Spread <br/>•Coinrnunity Antenna Television <br/>A Few Warning Notes <br/>2 Incentives and Distortions <br/>The A-J---W Ef'fèt 49 Incentive Plans <br/>The Problem of lntercompany Coordination <br/>•The ImperE ect Adaptation of Business Structuie: Electric Power <br/>Regulatory Planniiig<br/>The Adjudicatory Role and Its Consequences<br/>Conclusion: The Inherent Limitations of Regulation<br/>3 Positive Influences on Public Utility Performance <br/>Evideuce of Good Performance <br/>Intcriial Motivations <br/>The Profil Motive <br/>Mana geriaiism <br/>Technological Factors <br/>Market Factors <br/>Elasticity af Demand <br/>Coinpetilion <br/>The Threat o! Government Enterprise <br/>The A-J-W Effect <br/>The Role of Regulation <br/>4 The Role and Definition of Competition: Natural Monopoly <br/>Econo,nics of Scale <br/>• Evolution o! the Natural Monopoly Concept <br/>• The Essential Prercquisite of Natural Monopoly <br/>• Cases ofApparently lncreasing Costs <br/>Competitive Certification versus Centralized Planning and Responsibility <br/>•The National Telecommunications Network<br/>The Above-890 Decisions <br/>The MCI Cases <br/>The Communications Sateilite <br/>Alien Attachments <br/>If Competitors Want to Enler, How Natural Can Monopoly Be? <br/>Natural Gas Transmission <br/>Economies of Scale <br/>Coordinaled Investmenl Planning <br/>The Role of Compelitive Considerations <br/>Compelilion for Existing Business versus Prolectionism <br/>Destructive Competition and the Quality of Service <br/>The Theory and Prerequisites of Destructive Competition <br/>The Theory Applied <br/>•The Case of Trucking <br/>Does Trucking Pass lhe TesL<br/>Would Qualily Standards Suffice? <br/>The Effect on Indusiry Performance <br/>•Stock Excliange Brokerage Commissions <br/>•The Regulation of Nonprice Competition: Air Transport<br/>The Issue of Cream-Skimming <br/>•The Economic Case for Unrestricted Cream-Skimming <br/>•Possible Cases against Cream-Skimming <br/>The Imperfeclions ofCoinpetilion Case <br/>The Discriminalion Problem <br/>The Promolional Case <br/>Externalities, Option Demand and lhe Tyranny of Small Decisions <br/>Offsetting Imperfections and lhe Problem of Second BesI <br/>Noneconomic Considerations <br/>•Conclusion: The Benefits and Dangers of Discriminatory Competition <br/>6 The Role and Definition of Competition: Integration <br/>Financial Integration <br/>•Combination Companies<br/>Transportalion 268 Eleclric and Gas<br/>•Horizontal and Geographic Integration <br/>•Vertical Integration in Communications <br/>•Financial Integration: The Problem ofJudgment<br/>Intercompany Coordination <br/>•Piggyback Service <br/>•Power Pooling <br/>7 The Institution of Regulated Monopoly: Reprise <br/>Integration, Coordination, and Competition as Partial Akernatives<br/>The Imperfections of Regulated Monopoly<br/>The Choice among Imperfect Systems <br/>Selected Bibliography<br/>Index, Volumes I and II<br/><br/><br/>
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