Capitalism, Socialism and Democracy/ (Registro n. 2030)

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007 - Campo Fixo - Descrição Física
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Campo fixo de controle local 190617s2008 -us gr 000 0 eng u
020 ## - ISBN
ISBN 9780061561610
040 ## - Fonte da Catalogação
Fonte de catalogação BR-BrCADE
090 ## - Número de Chamada
Localização na estante 335 S392c
Cutter S392c
100 10 - Autor
Autor SCHUMPETER, Joseph A.
245 10 - Titulo Principal
Título principal Capitalism, Socialism and Democracy/
260 ## - Editora
Cidade Nova Iorque, Estados Unidos:
Editora ModernThought Edition,
Data 2008.
300 ## - Descrição Física
Número de páginas 431 p.
505 ## - Conteúdo
Conteúdo CONTENTS<br/>Introduction by Thomas K. McGraw <br/>PART 1: THE MARXIAN DOCTRINE<br/>Prologue <br/>I. Marx the Prophet <br/>II. Marx the Sociologist <br/>III. Marx the Economist <br/>IV. Marx the Teacher <br/><br/>PART II: CAN CAPITALISM SURVIVE? <br/>Prologue <br/>V. The Rate of Increase of Total Output <br/>VI. Plausible Capitalisrfi <br/>VII. The Process of Creative Destruction<br/>VIII. Monopolistic Practices <br/>IX. Closed Season <br/>X. The Vanishing of Investment Opportunity <br/>XI. The Civilization of Capitalism <br/>XII. Crumbling Walis <br/>1. The Obsolescence of the Entrepreneurial Function <br/>II. The Destruction of the Protecting Strata <br/>III. The Destruction of the Institutional Framework of Capitalist Society <br/>XIII. Growing Hostility <br/>1. The Social Atmosphere of Capitalism <br/>II. The Sociology of the Inteliectual <br/>XIV. Decomposition <br/><br/>PART III: CAN SOCIALISM WORK? <br/>XV. Clearing Decks <br/>XVI. The Socialist Blueprint <br/>XVII. Comparison of Blueprints <br/>1. A Preliminary Point <br/>II. A Discussion of Comparative Efflciency <br/>III. The Case for the Superiority of tl,e Socialist Blueprint <br/>XVIII. The Human Element <br/>A Warning <br/>I. The Historical Relativity of the Argument <br/>II. About Demigods and Archangeis <br/>III. The Problem of Bureaucratic Management <br/>IV. Saving and Discipline <br/>V. Authoritarian Discipline in Socialism; a Lesson from Russia<br/>XIX. Transition <br/>I. Two Different Problems Distinguished <br/>II. Socialization in a State ofMaturity <br/>III. Socialization in a State of Immaturity <br/>IV. Socialist Policy Before the Act; the English Example <br/><br/>PART IV: SOCIALISM AND DEMOCRACY <br/>XX. The Setting of the Problem <br/>1. The Dictatorship of the Proletariat <br/>II. The Record of Socialist Parties <br/>III. A Mental Experiment <br/>IV. In Search of a Definition <br/>XXI. The Classical Doctrine of Democracy <br/>I. The Common Good and the Will of the People<br/>II. The Will of the People and Individual Volition<br/>III. Human Nature in Politics <br/>IV. Reasons for the Survival of the Classical Doctrine <br/>XXII. Another Theory of Democracy <br/>I. Competition for Political Leadership <br/>II. The Principie Appiied <br/>XXIII. The Inference <br/>I. Some Implications of the Preceding Analysis <br/>II. Conditions for the Success of the Democratic Method <br/>III. Democracy in the Socialist Order <br/><br/>PART V: A HISTORICAL SKETCH OF SOCIALIST PARTIES <br/>Prologue <br/>XXIV. The Nonage <br/>XXV. The Situation that Marx Faced <br/>XXVI. From 1875 to 1914 <br/>I. English Developments and the Spirit of Fabianism <br/>II. Sweden on the One Hand and Russia on the Other <br/>III. Socialist Groups in the United States <br/>IV. The French Case; Analysis of Syndicalism<br/>V. The German Party and Revisionism; the Austrian Socialists <br/>VI. The Second International <br/>XXVII. From the First to the Second World War <br/>I. The "Gran Rifiuto" <br/>II. The Effects of the First World War on the Chances ofthe <br/>Socialist Parties of Europe <br/>XII. Communism and the Russian Element <br/>IV. Administering Capitalism? <br/>V. The Present War and the Future of Socialist Parties<br/>XXVIII. The Consequences of the Second World War <br/>I. England and Orthodox Socialism <br/>II. Ecõnomic Possibilities in the United States <br/>1. Redistribution of Income through Taxation <br/>2. The Great Possibility <br/>3.Conditions for lis Realization <br/>4. Transitional Problems <br/>5. The Stagnationist Thesis<br/>6. Conclusion <br/>III. Russian Irnperialism and Communism <br/><br/>COMMENTS ON FURTHER POSTWAR DEVELOPMENTS <br/>Preface to the Third English Edition, 1949 <br/>The March into Socialism <br/>Index <br/><br/><br/>
942 ## - Elementos de Entrada Adicionados
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