Economics of regulation and antitrust/ (Registro n. 2209)

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040 ## - Fonte da Catalogação
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090 ## - Número de Chamada
Localização na estante 341.3787 V827e
Cutter V827e
100 10 - Autor
Autor VISCUSI, W. Kip
245 10 - Titulo Principal
Título principal Economics of regulation and antitrust/
250 ## - Edição
Edição 3. ed.
260 ## - Editora
Cidade Cambridge, Inglaterra:
Editora MIT Press,
Data 2000.
300 ## - Descrição Física
Número de páginas 864 p.
505 ## - Conteúdo
Conteúdo Contents<br/>Preface to the Third Edition<br/><br/>Introduction<br/>The Rationalé for-Regulation and Antitrust Policies<br/>Antitrust Regulation<br/>The Changing Character of Antitrust Issues<br/>Reasoning behind Antitrust Regulations<br/>Economic Regulation<br/>Development of Economic Regulation<br/>Factors in Setting Rate Regulations<br/>Health, Safety, and Environmental Regulation<br/>Role of the Courts<br/>Criteria for Assessment<br/>Questions and Problems<br/>Recommended Reading<br/>Appendix<br/>The Making of a Regulation<br/>State versus Federal Regulation: The Federalism Debate<br/>Advantages of Federalism<br/>Advantages of National Regulations<br/>The Overlap of State and Federal Regulations<br/>The Character of the Rulemaking Process<br/>The Chronology of New Regulations<br/>Nature of the Regulatory Oversight Process<br/>The Nixon and Ford Administrations<br/>The Carter Administration<br/>The Reagan Administration<br/>The Bush Administration<br/>The Clinton Administration<br/>Regulatory Reform Legislation<br/>Benefit-Cost Analysis<br/>Discounting Deferred Effects<br/>Present Value<br/>The Criteria Applied in the Oversight Process<br/>Regulatory Success Stories<br/>Promotion of Cost-Effective Regulation<br/>Distortion of Benefit and Cost Estimates <br/>The Regulatory Role of Price and Quality<br/>The Impact of the Oversight Process <br/>The Cost of Regulation <br/>Other Measures of the Size of Regulation<br/>The Character of Regulatory Oversight Actions <br/>What Do Regulators Maximize? <br/>The Capture Theory <br/>Other Theories of Influence Patterns <br/>Comprehensive Models of Regulatory Objectives <br/>Conclusion <br/>Questions and Problems <br/>Appendix: Trends in Regulatory Agency Budgets and Staif<br/> <br/>I ANTITRUST <br/>Introduction to Antitrust <br/>Industrial Organization Analysis <br/>Concentration <br/>Entry Barriers <br/>Product Differentiation <br/>Antitrust <br/>Enforcement and Remedies <br/>Exemptions from Antitrust <br/>Summary and Overview of Part I<br/>Appendix: Antitrust Statutes <br/>Sherman Act <br/>Clayton Act <br/>Federal Trade Commission Act <br/>Efficiency and Technical Progress <br/>Economic Efficiency <br/>Partial Equilibrium Welfare Tools <br/>Monopoly-versus-Competition Example <br/>Oil Industry Application <br/>Some Complications <br/>X-Inefficiency <br/>Monopoly-Induced Waste <br/>Estimates of the Welfare Loss from Monopoly <br/>Technical Progress <br/>Importance of Technological Change <br/>An R & D Rivalry Model <br/>Summary <br/>Questions and Problems <br/>5 Oligopoly, Collusion, and Antitrust <br/>Game Theory <br/>Example 1: Advertising Competition <br/>Example 2: Compatibiity of Standards <br/>The Strategic Form of a Game <br/>Nash Equilibrium <br/>Oligopoly Theory <br/>The Cournot Solution <br/>Other Modeis of Oligopoly <br/>Product Differentiation <br/>Coliusion <br/>A Theory of Coilusion <br/>Cartel Problems <br/>Coliusion in Practice <br/>Antitrust Law toward Price Fixing <br/>Economic Analysis of Legal Categories <br/>Per Se Rule Cases <br/>Conscious Parallelism <br/>Summary <br/>Questions and Problems <br/>Appendix A <br/>Game Theory: Formal Definitions <br/>Appendix B <br/>The Addyston Pipe Case <br/>The Opinion of the Court <br/>Market Structure and Strategic Competition <br/>Market Structure <br/>Concentration <br/>Scale Economies <br/>Entry Conditions <br/>Dominant Firm Theory <br/>Static Analysis <br/>Dynamic Analysis: Limit Pricing <br/>Strategic Competition <br/>LimitPricing <br/>Investment in Cost-Reducing Capital <br/>Raising Rivals' Costs <br/>Preemption and Brand Proliferation <br/>Summary <br/>Questions and Problems <br/>Mergers <br/>Antitrust Laws and Merger Trends <br/>Reasons for Mergers <br/>Monopoly <br/>Economies <br/>Reducing Management Inefficiencies <br/>Other Motives <br/>Horizontal Mergers <br/>Benefits and Costs <br/>Effects of Airline Mergers <br/>Cases <br/>The 1992 Merger Guidelines <br/>Conglomerate Mergers <br/>Potential Benefits <br/>Anticompetitive Effects and Cases <br/>Summary <br/>Questions and Problems <br/>Vertical Mergers and Restrictions <br/>Vertical Mergers <br/>Benefits <br/>Anticompetitive Effects <br/>Extension of Monopoly: Fixed Proportions<br/>Extension of Monopoly: Variable Proportions <br/>Cases<br/>Vertical Restrictions <br/>Resale Price Maintenance <br/>Territorial Restraints <br/>Exclusive Dealing <br/>Tying <br/>Summary <br/>Questions and Problems <br/>Monopolization and Price Discrimination <br/>The Possession of Monopoly Power <br/>Intent to Monopolize <br/>Cases <br/>1890-1940: Standard Oil and United States Steel <br/>1940-1970: Alcoa and United Shoe Machinery <br/>1970 to Present: Kodak, Cereais, IBM, and Others <br/>1994-1998: Microsoft and Network Effects <br/>Predatory Pricing: Proposed Legal Defimtions <br/>The ATC Rule <br/>The Output Restriction Rule<br/>Joskow-Klevorick Two-Stage Rule <br/>Price Discrimination and the Robinson-Patman Act <br/>Systematic Discrimination <br/>Unsystematic Discrimination <br/>Cases<br/>Summary <br/>Questions and Problems <br/><br/>II ECONOMIC REGULATION <br/>Introduction to Economic Regulation <br/>What Is Economic Regulation? <br/>Instruments of Regulation <br/>Control of Price <br/>Control of Quantity <br/>Control of Entry and Exit <br/>Control of Other Variables <br/>Brief History of Economic Regulation <br/>Formative Stages <br/>Trends in Regulation <br/>The Regulatory Process <br/>Overview of the Regulatory Process <br/>Regulatory Legislation <br/>Independent Regulatory Commissions <br/>Regulatory Procedures <br/>The Theory of Regulation <br/>Normative Analysis as a Positive Theory <br/>Capture Theory <br/>Economic Theory of Regulation <br/>Testing Theories of Regulation <br/>Summary and Overview of Part II <br/>Questions and Problems <br/>Theory of Natural Monopoly <br/>The Natural Monopoly Problem <br/>Permanent and Temporaiy Natural Monopoly <br/>Subadditivity and Multiproduct Monopoly <br/>Alternative Policy Solutions <br/>Ideal Pricing <br/>Franchise Bidding <br/>Actual Solutions <br/>Summary <br/>Questions and Problems<br/> Natural Monopoly Regulation and Electric Power <br/>The Rate Case <br/>Accounting Equation <br/>Regulatory Lag <br/>The Rate Level<br/>Rate Base Valuation <br/>Cost of Equity Capital <br/>The Sliding Scale Plan and Yardstick Competition <br/>Pnce Caps and Performance Standards <br/>Averch-Johnson Effect <br/>Rate Structure <br/>FDC Pricing <br/>Undue Discrimination <br/>Peak-Load Pricing <br/>Costs of Power Production <br/>Peak-Load Pricing Model <br/>Regulation/Deregulation of Electric Power <br/>Effectiveness of Price Regulation <br/>Trend toward Competition <br/>Summary <br/>Questions and Problems <br/>Franchise Bidding and Cable Television <br/>Theory of Franchise Bidding <br/>Competition at the Bidding Stage <br/>Contractual Arrangements for the Postbidding Stage <br/>Assessment of Franchise Bidding <br/>Cable Television <br/>Historicall Regulatory Background <br/>Cable Television as a Natural Monopoly <br/>Franchising Process <br/>Assessment of Franchise Bidding <br/>Rate Regulation <br/>Is There a Role for Government Intervention? <br/>Summary <br/>Questions and Problems <br/>Public Enterprise <br/>General Background <br/>Positive Theory of Public Enterprise <br/>Managerial Model of a Firm<br/>Managerial Model of a Pnvate Enterprise <br/>Managerial Model of a Public Enterprise <br/>Comparison of Public and Private Enterprise <br/>Municipal Electric Utilities <br/>Pricing Behavior <br/>Allocative Efficiency Comparison <br/>Productive Efficiency Comparison <br/>Assessment of Private versus Public Utilities <br/>Airlines <br/>Summary <br/>Questions and Problems <br/>Dynamic Issues in Natural Monopoly Regulation: Telecommunications <br/>Transformation of a Natural Monopoly <br/>Basis for Natural Monopoly Regulation <br/>Sources of Natural Monopoly Transformation <br/>Regulatory Response <br/>Intercity Telecommunications Market <br/>Local-Exchange Telecommunications Market <br/>Separation of Regulated Monopolies and Competitive Markets <br/>Benefits and Costs of Separation <br/>Breakup of AT&T <br/>Telecommunications and Computers <br/>The Future of the Telecommunications Industry: Digital Convergence <br/>Telecommunications Act of 1996 <br/>State of Competition <br/>Summary <br/>Questions and Problems <br/>The Regulation of Potentially Competitive Markets: Theory and Estirnation <br/>Methods <br/>Theory of Price and EntryfExit Regulation <br/>Direct Effects of Price and EntrylExit Regulation: The Competitive Model <br/>Direct Effects of Price and EntryfExit Regulation: The Imperfectly Competitive <br/>Model <br/>Some Indirect Effects of Price and Entry Regulation <br/>Some Indirect Effects of Price and Exit Regulation <br/>Regulation and Innovation <br/>Methods for Estimating the Effects of Regulation <br/>Overview of Estimation Methods <br/>Intertemporal Approach <br/>Application: New York Stock Exchange <br/>Intermarket Approach <br/>Application: Advertising of Eyeglasses <br/>Counterfactual Approach <br/>Application: State Usury Laws <br/>Measuring the Retum to Price and Entry Restrictions: Taxicab Regulation <br/>Summary <br/>Questions and Problems <br/>Economic Regulation of Transportation: Surface Freight and Airlines <br/>Transportation Industry <br/>Surface Freight Transportation <br/>Regulatory History <br/>Descnption of Regulatory Practices <br/>Effects of Regulation <br/>Recent Regulatory Policy <br/>Airlines <br/>Regulatory History <br/>Description of Regulatory Practices <br/>Effects of Regulation <br/>Competition and Antitrust Policy after Deregulation <br/>Lessons from Regulation and Deregulation <br/>Summary <br/>Questions and Problems <br/>Economic Regulation of Energy: Crude Oil and Natural Gas <br/>The Theory of Price Ceilings <br/>Price and Quantity Regulation of the Crude 0il Industry <br/>Regulatory History <br/>Oil Prorationing <br/>Regulatory Practices <br/>Rationale for Prorationing <br/>Solutions to the Common Pool Problem <br/>Effects of Prorationing <br/>Mandatory Oil Import Program <br/>Regulatory Practices <br/>Effects of Regulation <br/>Crude 0il Price Controls <br/>Regulatory Practices <br/>Effects of Price Regulation <br/>Price Regulation of the Natural Gas Industry <br/>Regulatory History <br/>Regulatory Practices <br/>Effects of Price Regulation <br/>Transition from Regulation to Markets in Lhe Transmission of Natural Gas <br/>Summary <br/>Questions and Problems <br/><br/>III HEALTH, SAFETY, AND ENVIRONMENTAL REGULATION <br/>Introduction: The Emergence of Health, Safety, and Environmental Regulatio<br/>Risk in Perspective <br/>Measunng Mortality Risks <br/>The Infeasibility of a No-Risk Society<br/>Wealth and Risk <br/>Irrationality and Biases in Risk Perception <br/>Policy Evaluation <br/>Regulatory Standards <br/>Benefit-Cost Analysis <br/>The Role of Heterogeneity <br/>Uncertainty and Conservatism <br/>The Role of Risk Ambiguity <br/>The Role of Political Factors <br/>Economic Models of Environmental Policies <br/>Voting Patterns <br/>Summary and Overview of Part III <br/>Questions and Problems <br/>Recommended Reading <br/>Valuing Life and Other Nonmonetary Benefits <br/>Policy Evaluation Principies <br/>Willingness to Pay versus Other Approaches <br/>Variations in Lhe Value of Life <br/>The Labor Market Model <br/>Empirical Estimates of Lhe Value of Life <br/>Value of Life for Regulatory Policies <br/>Survey Approaches to Valuing Policy Effects <br/>Valuation of Air Quality <br/>Exploratory Nature of the Survey Approach <br/>Sensitivity Analysis and Cost Effectiveness <br/>Risk-Risk Analysis <br/>Establishing Prices for Health, Safety, and Environmental Regulation <br/>Questions and Problems <br/>Environmental Regulation <br/>The Coase Theorem for Externalities <br/>The Coase Theorem as a Bargaining Game <br/>A Poilution Example <br/>Long-Run Efficiency Concerns <br/>Transactions Costs and Other Problems <br/>Smoking Externalities <br/>Special Features of Environmental Contexts <br/>Selecting the Optimal Policy: Standards versus Fines <br/>Setting the Poflution Tax <br/>The Role of Heterogeneity <br/>The Role of Uncertainty <br/>Pollution Taxes <br/>Cost Heterogeneity for Water Poliution Control <br/>Current Market Trading Policies <br/>The Future of Market Approaches <br/>Global Warming and Irreversible Environmental Effects <br/>Assessing the Merits of Global-Warming Policies <br/>How Should We React to Uncertainty?<br/>Multiperson Decisions and Group Externalities <br/>The Prisoner's Dilemma <br/>The N-Person Prisoner's Dilemma <br/>Applications of the Prisoner's Dilenmia <br/>The Enforcement and Performance of Environmental Regulation <br/>Enforcement Options and Consequences <br/>Hazardous Wastes <br/>Contingent Valuation for the Exxon Valdez Oil Spill<br/>Evaluating Performance <br/>Summiary <br/>Questions and Problems <br/>Product Safety <br/>Emergence of Product Safety Regulations <br/>Current Safety Decisions <br/>Changing Emphasis of Product Regulation <br/>Premanufactunng Screening: The Case of Pharmaceuticals <br/>Weighing the Significance of Side Effects <br/>Drug Approval Strategies <br/>The Behavioral Response to Product Safety Regulation <br/>Consumer's Potential for Muting Safety Device Benefits <br/>The Costs of Product Safety Regulation: The Automobile Industry Case <br/>Trends in Motor Vehicle and Home Accident Deaths <br/>Accident Rate Influences <br/>The Decline of Accident Rates <br/>The Rise of Product Liability <br/>The Negligence Standard <br/>The Strict Liability Standard <br/>Events-Study Evidence on Liability Costs <br/>Escalation of Damages <br/>Risk Information and Hazard Warnings <br/>Self-Certification of Safe Products <br/>Government Deterniination of Safety <br/>AJternatives to Direct Command and Control Regulation <br/>The Future of Product Safety Policy <br/>Questions and Problems <br/>Regulation of Workplace Heatth and Safety <br/>The Potential for Inefficiencies <br/>How Markets Can Promote Safety <br/>Compensating Wage Differential Theory <br/>Risk Information <br/>On-the-Job Experience and Worker Quit Rates <br/>Inadequacies in the Market <br/>Informational Problems and Irrationalities <br/>Externalities <br/>OSHÀ's Regulatory Approach <br/>Setting OSHA Standard Leveis <br/>The Nature of OSHA Standards <br/>The Reform of OSHA Standards <br/>Regulatory Reform Initiatives <br/>Changes in OSHA Standards <br/>OSHA's Enforcement Strategy <br/>Inspection Policies <br/>Trivial Violations <br/>OSHA Penaities <br/>Enforcement Targeting <br/>The Impact of OSHA Enforcement on Worker Safety <br/>OSHA Reguiations in Different Situations <br/>OSHA and Other Factors Affecting Injuries <br/>The Role of Workers' Compensation <br/>Agenda for Policy Reform Efforts <br/>Questions and Probiems <br/>Patents and Pharmaceuticals <br/>Economics of Invention and Patents <br/>Background on Patents <br/>Incentives to Invent: Monopoiy versus Competition <br/>Welfare Analysis of Patents <br/>Pharmaceuticals and the Role of Patents <br/>Industry Structure <br/>The 1984 Drug Price Competition and Patent Restoration Act <br/>Other Policies that Affect R&D Incentives <br/>Summary <br/>Questions and Problems <br/><br/>Author Index <br/>Subject Index <br/>
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