Empirical Industrial Organization: (Registro n. 2221)

008 - Campo de Tamanho Fixo
Campo fixo de controle local 190617s9999 xx 000 0 und d
020 ## - ISBN
ISBN 1843763141
040 ## - Fonte da Catalogação
Fonte de catalogação BR-BrCADE
090 ## - Número de Chamada
Localização na estante 338.6 E55
Cutter E55
245 10 - Titulo Principal
Título principal Empirical Industrial Organization:
Subtítulo Volume II /
260 ## - Editora
Cidade Estados Unidos:
Data Edward Elgar,
Editora 2004.
300 ## - Descrição Física
Número de páginas 570 p.
490 ## - Indicação de Série
Série The International Library of Critical Writings in Economics
Volume V II
505 ## - Conteúdo
Conteúdo Contents<br/>iintroduction by ibe editors to both volumos appears w Volume 1<br/><br/>PART I COMPETITIVE ENTRY AND MARKET STKUCTURE <br/>1.Timathy F. Bresnahan and PeterC. Relas (1991). 'Entry and <br/>Compelilion in Concenlrated Markels' . Jownai ofPotiticoi &onorny. <br/>99(5). October, 977-1009 <br/>2.Sceven T. Berry (1992). Estimation aí a Mudei ar Entry in das <br/>AirIiric lndustry', Econumetrica. 60(4). July, 889-917 <br/>3.Michaci D. Whinaton and Scott C. Collins (1992). 'Enay and <br/>Competitivo Siructure in Dereguiatcd Airlinc Markcts: An Evcnt <br/>Study Analysis of Pcoplc Esprcss'. RAND Joarnal of Economies. <br/>(4), Winter. 445 62 <br/>4.Stcvcn T. Bcrry and Joel Waldt'ogni (1990), 'Free Entry and Social <br/>lnefficiency is Radio Broadcasting', RAND Journal o! Economics. <br/>30(3). Au*umn, 397-420<br/>5.Oito Toivanen and Michael Waterson (2000). 'Empiricai Research <br/>on Discrete Choice Clame Theory Modela aí Entry: Ais Biustration'. <br/>European Econontic Resiew. 44.985-92 <br/>6.John Sutton (1991). 'Ecoitornetriç Evidecice', ia Swsis C'ustx soai <br/>Mar/se: Structure: Prire Cuinpet(lwn, Advnrti.sing, and lhe Evôlut(on <br/>ofConcentralion. Chapter S. Cambrídge, Massachuseus and London. <br/>l3ngland:MITPreSS. 111-28 <br/>7.John Sulton (1997). 'Oibeat's Lcgacy'. Journal of Economie <br/>Li:era:u,e, XXXV (1), March. 40-59 <br/><br/>PART II AUCTIONS<br/>8 Kenneth Hendncks and Robert H. Porter (1988). 'As limpirical Studyot5nAoclion with Asymmetrlc Infnrrnation.A,neriean<br/>Econonuc Revim. 78(5). December. 865-83 <br/>9. Robefl H. Porter and J. Dougias Zona (1993). 'Detection of Bid Rigging is Procurcment Auctions. Janota! of Política! Econonry.<br/>101 (3), luso, 518-38 <br/>10. Susan Athoy and Jonatitan Levai (2001), int'ormation and Coinpe*ition ia U.S. Forem Servicc Timbcr Auctions' • Journal of<br/>Poltiical Econorny, 109(2), 375-417 <br/>11. Robert H. Porter (1995), 'lhe Role of Information is U.S. Offshoee<br/>Oil and Gas Lease Auctions', Rconorne:rka, 63(1). January, 1-27 <br/>12. Nils.Henrik Mprch von der 1ehr and David Harbord (1993). 'Spot <br/>Market Cornpetition in tire UlC Eleclricily lnduslry'. &ononiic <br/>Journal, 103 (418), May, 531-46 <br/>13. Caiberine D. Wolfram (1998). 'Strategic Bidding in a Multiunit <br/>Auctron: An Empirical Analysis of Bids toSupply Electncity in <br/>Engiand and Wales', RAND Jounwl of Econo,nics. 29(4), Winter, <br/>703-25 <br/>PART III TECHNOLOGICAL INNOVATION AND NEW PRODUCTS <br/>14. Anel Pakes (1986), 'Patents as Options: Some Estimaten of lhe <br/>Valuc of 1-ioiding European Patent Stocka'. Econo mel rica, 54(4). <br/>.luIy.755-84 <br/>15. Nsncy L. Rose and Paul L. lcrskow (1990). 'Tire Diffuion of New <br/>Technologies: Evidence I5rom lhe Eleclric Utility Industry'. RAND <br/>Journal 01 Econo,nics. 21(3). Auwmn, 354-73 <br/>16. Garth Saloner and Andrea Sisepard (1995), 'Adoptiois of <br/>Technologies with Nctwork Effccts: An Empirical Examination of <br/>tire Adoption of Automated Teiler Machmnes', RAND Journal o! <br/>Economics, 26 (3). Autumn, 479-561 <br/>17. Manuel Trajlenberg (1989). 'Tire Welfare Analysis of Product <br/>lnnovsrtions, with an Appiicanon to Computed Tomography <br/>Seanners', Journal ofpolitwal Economy, 97 (2).444--79 <br/>18. Amil Petrin (2002). 'Quantifying lhe Benefils of New Products: Tire <br/>Case of lhe Minivan'. JoumalofPoliuical Eco;wmy, 110(4), AUgUS;, <br/>705-29 <br/><br/>PART IV VERTICAL RELATIONSHIFS AND INCENTIVES <br/>19. Paul L. Joskow (1987). 'Contract Duration and Relationship-Specific <br/>lnvestments: Empirical F,videncc from Cosi Maskcts'. American <br/>Economic Rer'iew. 77(I), March, 168-85 <br/>20. Prancine Lafontaine and Kathryn L. Shaw (1999). 'The Dynamics <br/>ofFranchisc Contracling: Evidence from Panei Data', Journal of <br/>Political Economy, 107(5), October, 1041-80 <br/>21. Andrea Shepard (1993), 'Contractual Fores, Retaji Price, and Assei <br/>Characterislics in Gasoline Retailing'. RAND Journal ofEcononrics. <br/>24(l). Spnng, 58-77 <br/>22. Timothy F. Bresnahan and Peter C. Reisa (1985), 'Dealer and <br/>Manufacturer Margins'. RAND Journal of Econornics. 16(2). <br/>Sun,mer, 253-68 <br/>23. iudith Chevalier and (Jlenn Ellison (1997). Rusk Taking By Mutual <br/>Funds as a Response to Incentives'. Journal ofPolitical Economy. <br/>105 (6). Deccmber, 1167-200 <br/>Name Index <br/><br/><br/>
700 1# - Entrada secundária - Nome Pessoal
9 (RLIN) 872
Nome pessoa JOSKOW, Paul L.
Relação Editor
700 1# - Entrada secundária - Nome Pessoal
9 (RLIN) 822
Nome pessoa WATERSON, Michael
Relação Editor
942 ## - Elementos de Entrada Adicionados
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