OECD Global Forum on Competition: (Registro n. 2796)

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040 ## - Fonte da Catalogação
Fonte de catalogação BR-BrCADE
090 ## - Número de Chamada
Localização na estante 341.3787 O28
Cutter O28
110 ## - Autor Entidade
Autor Entidade Organization for Economic Co-operation and Development (OECD)
245 10 - Titulo Principal
Título principal OECD Global Forum on Competition:
Subtítulo Preventing Market Abuses and Promoting Economic Efficiency, Growth and Opportunity/
260 ## - Editora
Cidade Paris:
Editora OECD,
Data 2004.
300 ## - Descrição Física
Número de páginas 110 p.
505 ## - Conteúdo
Conteúdo Table ofcontents<br/>I. Introduction<br/>II. Executive Summary<br/>III. GFC Themes as They Developed -- An overview of the meetings<br/>A. Topics and discussion at the first GFC meetings<br/>B. Topics and discussion at the second GFC meetings<br/>C. Topics and discussion at the third GFC meetings<br/>IV. The Benefits of Competition Law and Policy for Developed and Developing Countries<br/>A. The benefits of competitive markets - in general<br/>B. The general goals and roles of “competition Iaw” And “competition policy”<br/>C. Competition Iaw and policy in developing Countries<br/>V. Modalities of Co-Operation, lncluding Capacity Building and Technical Assistance<br/>A. Modalities of co.operation - in general<br/>B. Capacity building and technical assistance<br/>VI. The Need for Anti-Cartel Enforcement and Merger Control, Facilitated by International Co-Operation<br/>A. Co-operation agreements <br/>B. The primary barrier to co-operation - broad bans on information sharing<br/>C. Sharing non-confidential information - a partial, temporary solution?<br/>D. Effective sanctions against cartels<br/>E. Cartel cases in developing countries<br/>F. Merger control and international co-operation<br/>VIl. The Goals of Competition Law and Policy and lhe Design of Competition Law and Policy Institutions<br/>A. Variations in the goals of competition law and policy<br/>B. The lack of anv single optimal design of a competition agency <br/>VIII. Special Issues Relating to "Small" Economies<br/>IX. Conclusion<br/>Annex A OECD Competition Activities<br/>Annex B OECD Competition Law and Policy Publications<br/>1. Council Recommendations Related To Competition Law and Policy<br/>2. Competition Committee Reports<br/>3. The OECD Journal of Competition Law and Policy<br/>4. Competilion Committee Round Tables<br/>5. OECD Reviews of National Competition Framework<br/>6. Other recent OECD Materials<br/>Annex C Materials From or About OECD Competition Law and Policy Activities with Developing Economies<br/>Annex D Other Relevant OECD Publications<br/>1. Economics Depatament Studies<br/>2. Other OECD Materials<br/>Annex E Illustrative Cartel Cases by Non-OECD Jurisdictions<br/>Annex F Merger Co-Operation Involving Non-OECD Economies<br/>
942 ## - Elementos de Entrada Adicionados
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    Biblioteca Agamenon Magalhães Biblioteca Agamenon Magalhães 2019-11-19 Doação 31096 341.3787 O28 2019-1481 1 2019-11-19 Livros
    Biblioteca Agamenon Magalhães|(61) 3221-8416| biblioteca@cade.gov.br| Setor de Edifícios de Utilidade Pública Norte – SEPN, Entrequadra 515, Conjunto D, Lote 4, Edifício Carlos Taurisano, térreo