EU competition law, regulation and the internet: (Registro n. 3415)

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007 - Campo Fixo - Descrição Física
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Campo fixo de controle local 210720b2015 bl ||||g |||| 00| 0 eng u
020 ## - ISBN
ISBN 9789041141408
040 ## - Fonte da Catalogação
Fonte de catalogação BR-BrCADE
090 ## - Número de Chamada
Localização na estante 341.3787 M278e
Cutter M278e
100 1# - Autor
Autor MANIADAKI, Katerina
245 10 - Titulo Principal
Título principal EU competition law, regulation and the internet:
Subtítulo the case of net neutrality/
260 ## - Editora
Cidade Netherlands:
Editora Kluwer Law International,
Data 2015.
300 ## - Descrição Física
Número de páginas 389 p.
490 ## - Indicação de Série
Série International Competition Law Series
Volume v. 60
505 ## - Conteúdo
Conteúdo Table of Contents<br/><br/>Preface<br/>Foreward<br/>List of Abbreviations<br/><br/>CHAPTER 1<br/><br/>Introduction <br/>§1.01 Net Neutrality Meets Competition Law<br/>§1.02 The Theme of This Book<br/>§1.03 A Solution in Search of a Problem? <br/>§1.04 Methodology and Approach <br/>§1.05 Non-technical, Technical Background <br/>[A] The Internet and Its Main Players <br/>[B] The Architecture of the Internet and the "Stupid Network" <br/>[C] Interconnection <br/>[D] Quality-Differentiation Techniques <br/><br/>CHAPTER 2<br/><br/>Net Neutrality: Definition, Principles and Objectives <br/>§2.01 Introduction <br/>§2.02 The Various Definitions of NN <br/>[A] No Blocking<br/>[B] No Discrimination in Favour of Vertically Integrated Content Services <br/>[CI Maintaining the "Zero-Price Rule" <br/>[D] No "Undue Discrimination" and "Reasonable Traffic Management" <br/>[1] Network Security and End-User Controlled Restrictions <br/>[2] Congestion <br/>[3] The 2014 FCC Proposais and "Commercial Unreasonableness"<br/>[E] Access and Consumer Tiering<br/>[F] "Walled Gardens" and "Granny Packages" <br/>[G] "Managed" or "Specialized" Services: An Exception?<br/>[H] Minimum Q0S Requirements for IASs<br/>§2.03 Looking from Another Angle: NN as an lnterconnection Issue <br/>§2.04 Broader Definitions of NN<br/>[A] Open Access <br/>[B] Neutraiity across All Levels <br/>[C] Device Neutrality <br/>[D] NN and the Regime for the Liability of Online Intermediaries<br/>§2.05 The Arguments of the NN Debate <br/>[A] Central Economic Concepts <br/>[1] Network Effects <br/>[2] Two-Sided Markets <br/>[3] Price Discrimination <br/>[B] Exclusion, Exploitation and Market Power <br/>[1]The IAP Has Market Power in, the Retail Market for IASs <br/>[2] The IAP Faces Competition in the Retail Market for IAS<br/>[C] Welfare Effect<br/>[1] Effects on Static Efficiency<br/>[a] Maintaining the "Zero-Price Rule" <br/>[b] Prohibiting Access-Tiering <br/>[2] Effects on Dynamic Efficiency<br/>[a] innovation at the Content Level<br/>[i] By independeni CPs or "The Man in the Garage" <br/>[ii] By the Network Operators <br/>[b] innovation at the Infrastructure Level<br/>[D] The End-to-End Principio<br/>[E] Beyond Competition and Innovation <br/>[1] Common infrastructure Theories <br/>[2] Freedom of Expression and Pluralism <br/>[3] Participation and User-Generated Content <br/>[F] Congestion <br/>[1] Congestion Pricing<br/>[2] Capacity Expansion <br/>[C] Quality Degradation and the Internet 'Dirt Road" <br/>§2.06 Conclusions <br/> <br/>CHAPTER 3<br/><br/>Net Neutrality Regulation in the EU <br/>§3.01 Introduction <br/>§3.02 The EU Regulatory Framework: A Short Overview <br/>[A]General Provisions: Scope <br/>[B] Separation of Transmission and Content <br/>[1] The History of the Distinction <br/>[21 Implementation of the Distinction<br/>[3] Interactions within the Framework <br/>[4] Classification of Services That Are of Relevance <br/>to the NN Debate <br/>[C]The Objectives of the NRAs <br/>[D] The General Authorization Regime <br/>[E] Imposition of Obligations on Operators with Significant <br/>Market Power (SMP): The Article 7 Procedure <br/>[1] Relevant Market Definition <br/>[2] Market Review and lmposition of Remedies <br/>[3] Procedure for EU Consultation <br/>[F] Intercormection <br/>[G] Fuil Harmonization? <br/>[H] Dispute Resolution <br/>[1] Transparency <br/>[J) Minimum QoS <br/>[K] Switching <br/>[L] Blocking of lllegal Content <br/>§3.03 The Background of the Review of the EU Regulatory Framework with Respect to NN <br/>§3.04 Subsequent Developments <br/>[A] EU Institutions <br/>[1] Commission <br/>[2] Council<br/>[31] Parliamente <br/>[B] BEREC <br/>[C] Action by Some Member States <br/>[1] France <br/>[2] UK <br/>[3] Other Member States <br/>[D] The Connected Continent Regulation <br/>§3.05 The Role of Competition Law within the EU Regulatory Regime for NN <br/>§3.06 Conclusions <br/><br/>CHAPTER 4<br/><br/>The lnherent Potential and Limitations of Competition Law in Protecting Net Neutrality <br/>§4.01 Introduction <br/>§4.02 The Objectives of EU Competition Law versus the Objectives of NN: "Openess"<br/>[A] The Objectives of EU Competition Law <br/>[1] The Various Aims of the Rules on Competition<br/>[a] Protecting Competition, Competitors and/or Consumers? <br/>[b] Consumer or Total Welfare? <br/>[c] The Underiying Values of the Rules on Competition<br/>[2) Exclusionary Abuses <br/>[3] Exploitative Abuses <br/>[$] EU Competition Law <br/>[1] The Evolution of the Objectives of EU Competition Law <br/>[2] Per Se Restrictions and Effects Analysis: A Primer <br/>[3] Synthesis: The Applicable Standard for Abuses under EU Competition Law <br/>[a] Tentative Conclusions on the Current State of the Law<br/>[bi Assessment <br/>[C] Comparison with the General Objectives of NN <br/>§4.03 The Objectives of Competition Law versus the Specific Objectives of NN: Pluralism<br/>[A] A Primer on Pluralism <br/>[B) NN and Pluralism<br/>[C] Competition Law and Pluralism <br/>[1] Pluralism as a Public Policy Objective <br/>[21 Diversity as a Hallmark of Consumer Welfare <br/>§4.04 The Objectives of Competition Law versus the Objectives of NN:Innovation<br/>[A] EU Competition Law and Innovation <br/>[1] Case Law with Implications for Dynamic Competition and the 2008 Guidance <br/>[2) Incorporation of Innovation Considerations <br/>[ai Objective Justifications <br/>[b] Burden of Proof of Dynamic Efficiencies <br/>[B) A Tentative Reading of the Case Law and lts Relevance for NN <br/>§4.05 Other lnherent Limitations of EU Competition Rules lii Safeguarding NN <br/>§4.06 Conclusions <br/><br/>CHAPTER 5<br/><br/>Relevant Market Definition and Assessment of Market Power <br/>§5.01 Introduction <br/>§5.02 Setting the Background; Primers 011 Market Definition and Market Power <br/>[A] Relevam Market Definition<br/>[B] Assessment of Market Power Dominance <br/>§5.03 The Markets for Content Termination <br/>[A] Introductory Remarks <br/>[B] Call Termination <br/>[C] Contem Termination <br/>[1] Direct Constraints <br/>[2] Indirect Constraints<br/>[a] Ability to Switch; Availability of Alternatives<br/>[b] Switching Costs <br/>[c] Incentive to Switch: Reaction to Restrictive Practices by IAPs <br/>[d] Switching Inertia: On the Role of Transparency<br/>[i] Consumer Sovereignty and Behavioural Theories <br/>[ii] Behavioural Theories and Regulation <br/>[31 Countervailing Power <br/>[D] Conclusions and Extensions <br/>§5.04 The Retail Markets for Internet Access Services<br/>§5.05 The Markets for interconnection <br/>§5.06 The Markets for Interconnection to an IAP's Network<br/>§5.07 Collective Dominance <br/>§5.08 Relevant Markets at the Content Levei <br/>§5.09 Conclusions <br/><br/>CHAPTER 6<br/><br/>Net Neutrality Violations as Refusais to Deal <br/>§6.01 Introduction<br/>§6.02 Practices under Examination <br/>§6.03 EU Case Law on Refusais to Deal<br/>[A] The World without Microsoft I<br/>[1] The Case Law of the C0J<br/>[2] Summary <br/>[3] The Commission's Practice <br/>[4] Summary<br/>[B] Microsoft I<br/>[1] The Comrnission's Decision and the Judgment of the General Court <br/>[2] Summary <br/>[C] The Commission's 2008 Guidance <br/>§6.04 An Alternative Approach to Refusals to Deal<br/>[A] lntroductory Remarks <br/>[B] Indispensability<br/>[C] Restriction of Effective Competition<br/>[D] Restriction of Effective Competition is Such as to Harm Consumers<br/>[1] The Tension between the Different Efficiencies Resulting from a Refusal to Deal<br/>[2] Solving the Tension<br/>§6.05 Violations of NN as Refusais to Deal <br/>[A] Blocking<br/>[1] Indispensabiiity<br/>[a] Market Power in Content Termination Markets<br/>[b] Market Power at the Retail Internet Access Level<br/>[2] Restriction of Competition and Consumer Harm<br/>[BI Refusal to Interconnect<br/>[C] Refusal to Provide Premium Services<br/>[D] Refusal to Include in a "Granny Package" or "Wailed Garden"<br/>[E] Objective Justifications<br/>[11 Congestion Control<br/>[21 Other Justifications<br/>§6.06 Conclusions<br/> <br/>CHAPTER 7<br/><br/>Net Neutrality, Discrimination and Unfair Pricing<br/>§7.01 Introduction<br/>§7.02 Discrimination<br/>[A] EU Case Law on Articie 102(c) <br/>[1] Overview of the Case Law <br/>[a] Shortage of Supplies<br/>[i] BP<br/>[ii] BPB Industries<br/>[B] Discounts and Rebates<br/>[i] Hoffmann-La Roche<br/>[ii] Michelin 1<br/>[iii] AKZQ[iv] Soda-as/z/Soluay<br/>[v] frish Sugar<br/>[vi] British Amvays<br/>[c] Violations of the internai Market Principie<br/>[i] United Brands<br/>[li] Tetra Pak II<br/>[iii] Corsica Femes<br/>[iv] Portuguese Airports<br/>[v]Deutsche Bahn<br/>[d] Miscelianeous<br/>[i] Deutsche Post<br/>[ii] Clearstream <br/>[iii] Kanal 5 <br/>[iv] Post Denmark <br/>[2] Assessrnent <br/>[a] Harm to Competitors versus Harm to Efective Competition and Consumers <br/>[b] Efficiencies <br/>[c] Other Objective Justifications <br/>[3] Price or Quality Discrimination against Downstream Competitors; Relationship with Article 102(b) <br/>[B] NN Violations as Abusive Discrimination <br/>[1] Price Discrimination <br/>[a] Offering Menus of QoS <br/>[h] Charging Different Prices for the Sarne Levei of Q0S <br/>[2] Quality Discriniination<br/>[3] Objective Justification <br/>§7.03 Excessive Pricing <br/>[A] The Case Law on Excessive Pricing <br/>[B] Implications for NN <br/>§7.04 Practices lmplernented on the Consumer Side <br/>§7.05 Conciusions <br/><br/>CHAPTER 8<br/><br/>Extensions and Conclusions <br/>§8.01 Extensions <br/>[A) The EU Google Investigation <br/>[B] The (New?) Features of Online Competition <br/>[1] Non-price Competition <br/>[2] Information Failures and Behavioural Biases <br/>[3] Network Effects, Economies of Scale and Two-Sided Markets <br/>[4] innovation <br/>[5] Proof of Discrimination <br/>§8.02 Final Remarks <br/><br/>BIBLIOCRAPHY AND TABLES OF CASES AND MATERIAL<br/>Bibliography <br/>Decisions of the European Cornmission under the Competition Rules <br/>Judgments of the Court of Justice of the European Union <br/>Judgments of the General Court <br/>Opinions of Advocates General <br/>Comment Letters and Decisions of the European Commission under<br/>Article 7 of the Framework Directive <br/>EU Legislation<br/>Notices, Recommendations, Communications, Guidance, Guidelines, White Papers, Reports and Staff Working Documents of the European<br/>Commission <br/>Declarations and Reports by EU Institutions<br/>Decisions, Declarations, Reports by BEREC and National Authorities <br/>National Case Law <br/>Speeches/Statements <br/>Index <br/><br/><br/>
650 #0 - ASSUNTO
9 (RLIN) 2151
Assunto Direito Internacional Concorrencial
Subdivisão geográfica Europa
650 #0 - ASSUNTO
9 (RLIN) 2004
Assunto Regulação
650 #0 - ASSUNTO
9 (RLIN) 2393
Assunto Neutralidade da rede
Subdivisão geral <a href="Internet">Internet</a>
942 ## - Elementos de Entrada Adicionados
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    Biblioteca Agamenon Magalhães Biblioteca Agamenon Magalhães 2021-06-25 Compra 23109 341.3787 M278e 2021-0367 1 2021-07-20 Livros
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