Herbert Hovenkamp:

[ Livros ] Série: Liber Amicorum Publicado por : Institute of Competition Law, (New York:) Detalhes físicos: 380 p. ISBN:9781939007827. Ano: 2021 Tipo de Material: Livros
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Biblioteca Agamenon Magalhães
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Table of Contents

Table of Contents
Herbert Hovenkamp Biography & Publications

Part I: The Dean of Antitrust Law

Herbert Hovenkamp as Antitrust Oracle: Appreciating the Overlooked Contributions of the New Harvard School
Christopher S. Yoo

Tracking Giants: Professor Hovenkamp and lmpact Metrics
Jane O'Connell, Barak Orbach and D. Daniel Sokol

Part II: Antitrust Reform: Overdue or Unwarranted?

The House that Hovenkamp Built is Sound: The Case Against Proposed Legislative Reforms of the US Antitrust Laws
Thomas A. Lambert

Reactionary Antitrust
John M. Newman

Applet Pepper: Rethinking Standing Rules in Private Antitrust Litigation
Maria loannidou

Part III: The Role of Economics in Antitrust Decision-Making

The Chicago School and the Institutionalization of Antitrust Economics
Daniel A. Crane

Economics and the Legally Correct Interpretation and Application Of Antitrust Law
Richard S. Markovits

Part IV: Collective Bargaining: EU and US

Standalone Antitrust Labor lmmunity
Marina Lao

Competition Law is Not to Biame: Why Gig Workers Cannot Conclude Collective Agreements in the EU
Mariateresa Maggiolino

Part V: The Interface of Innovation, Inteliectual Property, and Antitrust

Antitrust. Inteliectual Property, and Dynamic Efficiency: An Essay in Honor of Herbert Hovenkamp
Thomas F. Cotter

Innovation and Antitrust: An Evolutionary and Historical Perspective
Thomas J. Horton

Antitrust and the Design of Innovation

Antitrust Policymaking in a Recovery Period. Is it All About Maximizing Consumer Welfare?
Gabriella Muscolo

Part VI: Collusion: Case Analysis

Reducing the Price of Eggs: Collusion in the Oocyte Market
Roger D. Blair and Christine Piette Durrance

The Relationship Between Legality and Probative Value in Plus Factor Analysis
Christopher R. Leslie

Rethinking Hybrid Restraints
Wililam H. Page and John E. Lopatka

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