Bellamy & Child:

[ Livros ]
Autores adicionais: ROTH, Peter ; Editor | ROSE, Vivien ; Editora
Publicado por : Oxford University Press, (Oxford:) Detalhes físicos: 1679 p. ISBN:9780199286447. Ano: 2008 Tipo de Material: Livros
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Editors and C'ontributors
Corresponclent Editors
Preface to the Sixth Edition
Note on Citation
Tables of Cases

1. Alphabetical Table of community cases and Decisions
2. Numericai Table ofEuropean Court ojjustice Cases
3. Numerical Table af (]ourt ofFirst instance cases
4. Nurnericai Tables ofcommission Merger andJoint. Venture Decisions
5. Tables ofEuropean (]ourt qfHuman Riçíhts, EFJA (7ourt and National Cases
Tables of Treaties and Legislation
6 Table ofEU/EC 7eaties
7. Table ofEC Reguiarions
8. Table ofEC Directives
9. Table ofEC and EFA Decisions
10. Tables ofEC and EM Notices, Guidelines and Other !nfbrtnal Texts
11. Tables ofNasionalLeislation
12. Table ofinternational Treaties, conventions andAgreenients
1. The Treaty and its Territorial Reach
1. Introducrion
2. Thc Communiry Treaties
3. Thc EC Treaty
(a) Generally
(b) The main competitkn provisions
(c) Other provisions okhelreaty,
4. The Institutional Srructurc ofthc Comrnunity
(a) The Conimunity instiwtions
(b) The Community and EFTA Courts
(c) The Directorate-General for Competition
5. The Aims of the Community Rules on Competition
6. Territorial Ambit ofEC Competition Rules
(a) The Member States: enlargement
(b) The Member States: current geographic scope
(c) EFTA and the EEA
(d) Agreements between the Community and third countries
7. The Territorial Jurisdiction of the Community Institutions
(a) Trade into the Community from third countries
(b) Trade from the Community to third countries
(c) Jurisdiction over undertakings outside the Community
8. Effect on Trade between Member States
(a) Generaily
(b) Particular aspects
2. Article8l(1)
1. Introduction
2. Undertakings
(a) Generaily
(b) The State as an undertaking
(c) Treatment of economically linked legal entities
3. Agreements, Decisions and Concerted Practices
(a) Agreements
(b) Concerted practices
(c) Agreements and concerted practices: other issues
(d) Decisions by associations ofundertakings
4. Restriction of Competition
(a) Some conceptual issues
(b) The main decisions
(c) The present law
5. Appreciable Effect on Competition
(a) Jurisprudence of the Community Courts
(b) Commission guidance
3. Article8l (3)
1. Introduction
2. Application in Individual Cases
(a) Generaily
(b) The first condition: economic and other beneflts
(c) The second condition: fair share of benefits for consumers
(d) The third condition: indispensability ofrestrictions
(e) The fourth condition: no elimination ofcompetition
3. Biock Exemption
(a) Generally
(b) Current biock exemption regtilations
(c) Withdrawal and disapplication
4. Article 53(3) of the ERA Agreement
4. Market Definition
1. Introduction and Overview
(a) The concept of the relevant market
(b) Relevance of market definition in EC competition law
(c) Methodology for determining market definition
2. Product Market
(a) Demand-side substitution
(b) Supply-side substitution
(c) Particular issues in determining the product market
3. Geographic Market
(a) Overview
(b) Demand-side substitution
(c) Supply-side substitution
(d) Particular issues in determining the geographic market
4. Temporal Market
5. Market Definitions in Particular Sectors
5. Common Horizontal Agreements
1. Introduction
2. Carteis and Other Covert Conduct
(a) The Commission's approach to cartel activity
(b) Anatomy of a classic cartel
(c) Ancillary restrictions supporting cartel activity
3. Agreements on Prices and Trading Conditions
(a) Price-fixing
(b) Agreements on other trading conditions
(c) Professional services
(d) Banking and paymentservices
4. Output Restrictions
5. Market-sharing and Customer Aliocation
(a) Generaily
(b) Buying and selling among compeutors
(c) Bilateral market-sharing
(d) Sharing access to infrastructure or facilities
(e) Other market-sharing
(f) Customer allocation
6. Information Exchange
7. Coilective Trading Arrangements
(a) Boycotts and coilective exclusive dealing
(b) Coilective selling ofgoods
(c) Collective selling ofinteliectual property and media rights
(d) Joint tendering
(e) Coliective buying ofgoods
(f) Coilective buying ofinteilectual property and media rights
8. Trade Associations, Cooperatives and Exhibitions
(a) Membership rules
(b) Commonsrandards
(c) Joint marketing
(d) Trade exhibitions and auctions
9. Sporting Bodies and Competitions
6. Vertical Agreements Affecting Disinbution or Supply
1. Introduction
2. Regulation 2790/99
(a) Scope
(b) Marketshare
(c) Terms and conditions
(d) Withdrawal and disapplication
3. AgencyAgreements
4. Exclusive Distribution and Supply Agreernents
(a) Generaily
(b) Application ofArticle 81 (1)
(c) Application ofArticle 81(3) to individual agreements
5. Selective Distribution Systems
(a) Generaily
(b) Article8l(1)
(c) Application ofArticle 81(3)
(d) Motor vehicle distribution and servicing
6. Exclusive Purchasing, Single Branding and Tying
(a) Generaily
(b) Application ofArticle 81 (1)
(c) Application ofArticle 81(3)
7. Franchising Agreements
(a) Generaily
(b) Application ofArricle 81 (1)
(c) Regulation 2790/99 and franchise agreements
(d) Application ofArticle 81(3)
8. Subcontracting
9. Waste Packaging RecyclingArrangements
7. JointVentures and Similar Coilaborative Arrangements
1. Introduction
(a) Definitions
(b) Article 81 and the Merger Regulation
(c) Jurisdictional categories
2. Developing Treatment ofJVs under EC Competition Law
3. The Application ofArticle 81 (1) to Joint Ventures
(a) Generally
(b) Formation oftheJV
(c) Actual or potential competitors
(d) SpilIove
(e) Foreclosure
(f) Networkeffect
(g) Specific restrictions
4. Application ofArticle 81(3)
(a) Introduction
(b) Application of the Article 81(3) conditions
(c) Duration ofArticle 81(3) protection
5. R& D Agreements
(a) Generaily
(b) Application ofArticle 81 to R&D agreements
(c) Regulation 2659/2000: the R&D biock exemption
6. Specialisation/Production Agreements
(a) Generaily
(b) Assessment under Article 81
(c) Regulation 2658/2000: the specialisation biock exemption
7. Joint Ventures m Practice
(a) Production joint ventures
(b) Infrastructure and natural resources projects
(c) TV and other media
(d) Fixed and mobile teiecommunications
(e) E-commerce platforms
(f) Airiine alliances
8. Merger Control
1. Introduction
(a) Summary
(b) Commission guidance
(c) Case law and statistics
2. Jurisdictional Scope of the Merger Regulation
(a) Overview of'one-stop shop' principie
(b) Concentrations
(c) Fuil-function joint venture undertakings
(d) Community dimension
(e) Pre-notification realiocation ofjurisdiction
(f) Post-notification realiocation ofjurisdiction
(g) Nationai investigations on grounds other than competition
3. Procedure
(a) In general
(b) Initial Phase 1 investigation
(c) In-depth Phase II investigation
(d) Commitments to enable clearance
(e) Commission's powers of investigation
(f) Commission's powers ofsanction
4. Substantive Appraisal of Concentrations
(a) In general
(b) Market definition
(c) SIEC test
(d) Unilateral effects
(e) Coordinated effects
(f) Vertical and conglomerate effects
(g) Other considerations relevant to substantive appraisal
(h) Coordinative aspects ofcertain full-fiinction joint ventures
5. Judicial Review by the Community Courts
(a) Procedures
(b) Acts ofthe Commission which may be appealed
(c) Persons entitled to appeal
(d) Scope ofjudicial review
(e) Standard of proof incumbent on Commission
(f) Consequences ofannulment
6. Application of Articles 81 and 82 in Field ofMergers
and Acquisitions
(a) Background
(b) Ancillary restraints
(c) Minority shareholdings and other structural links
7. National Merger Control and International Cooperation
(a) National merger control regimes within EEA
(b) Cooperation under EEA Agreement
(c) Cooperation with countries outside EEA
(d). Inteilectual Property Rights
1. Introduction
2. Infringement Actions and the Free Movement Rules
(a) Generally
(b) Patents
(c) Trade marks
(d) Copyright and similar rights
3. Articles 81 and 82 and the Exercise of lntellectual
Property Rights
4. Licensing of Inteilectual Property Rights
(a) Introduction
(b) Typical clauses in patent and know-how licences
(c) Technology pools
5. The Biock Exemption for Technology Transfer Agreements
(a) Introduction
(b) The scope of Regulation 772/2004
(c) Market share thresholds
(d) Hard-core restrictions
(e) Excluded restrictions
(f) Withdrawal of the biock exemption
(g) Relationship between Regulation 772/2004 and other biock exemptions
6. Licences of Other Intelectual Property Rights
(a) Trade marks
(b) Copyright
(c) Plant variety rights
10. Article 82
1. Introduction
(a) Generally
(b) Relationship between Article 82 and other competition rules
2. Structure ofArticle 82
3. Dominant Position
(a) Generaily
(b) The market position of the undertaking itself
(c) Barriers to enrry and expansion
(d) Countervailing market power
(e) Appraisal of market power in more complex cases
(f) Coliective or joint dominance
4. Abuse of a Dominant Position
(a) Introduction
(b)market abuses: exclusionary pricing practices
(c) market abuses: exclusionary non-price conduct
(d) Own market abuses: exploitative pricing
(e) Related market abuses: exclusionary pricing
(f) Related market abuses: exclusionary non-price practices
(g) Other forms of abuse
11. The Competition Rules and the Acts ofMember States
1. Introduction
2. State Compulsion
3. The Application and Enforcement of the Prohibition in Article 86(1)
4. Unenforceability ofNational Measures: Article
5. State Monopolies of a Commercial Character: Article 31
6. Derogations underArticles 86(2) and 296
(a) Article 86(2): services of general interest
(b) Article 296: military equipment
12. Sectoral Regimes
1. Introduction
2. Transport
(a) Introduction
(b) Rail, road and inland waterway transport
(c) Maritime transport
(d) Air transport
3. Energy
(a) Introduction
(b) Fiectricity
(c) Gas
(d) Energy and the environment
4. Electronic Communications
(a) Regulatory framework
(b) Application ofcompetition Iaw
5. Insurance
6. Postal Services
(a) Generaily
(b) Liberalisation
(c) Application ofcompetition rules
7. Agriculture
(a) The objectives ofArticle 33 of the EC Treaty
(b) Application ofcompetition rules
13. Enforcement and Procedure
1. Introduction
2. The Former Enforcement Regime under Regulation 17
3. The European Competition Network and the Aliocation of Cases
4. The Commissions Powers oflnvestigation
(a) Fundamental rights and the Commission's powers
Of investigation
(b) Power to obtain information
(c) Powers ofinspection
(d) Privilege
5. Complaints
6.Formal Procedure Prior to an Adverse Decision
(a) The nature ofCommission proceedings
(b) Initiation ofprocedure and the statement ofobjections
(c) Access to the file
(d) The hearing and subsequently
7.Commitments and Settlement
9.Declarations of Infringement and Orders to Terminate
10.Fines for Substantive Infringements
(a) Generaily
(b) Intentional or negligent infringement
(c) The calculation of the fine
(d) Basicamount
(e) Aggravating and mitigating circumstances and deterrence
(f) The Leniency Notice: cartel cases
(g) Periodicpenaltypayments
(h) Ancillary matters oflaw and practice
11.Review by the Court ofFirst Instance
(a) Review underArticles 229 and 230
(b) Action under Article 232 in respect of failure to act
(c) Interim relieffrom the Court
12. Appeals to the Court ofJustice
14. The Enforcement of the Competition Rules in the Member States
1. Introduction 14.001
2. Enforcement by National Competition Authorities
(a) The National Competition Authorities
(b) Avoidance ofmultiple proceedings
(c) Cooperation within the Network
(d) Enforcement ofCommunity competition rules in the United Kingdom
3. Enforcement by National Courts: Jurisdiction
4. Convergence, Cooperation and Consistency in the
Application of the Competition Rules
(a) Parailel application ofCommunity and national competition law
(b) The convergence rule
(c) Cooperation between the Commission and the national authorities
(d) Duty to ensure consistency with decisions of European Commission
(e) Relationship between national courts and the Community courts
5. Enforcement by National Courts: Remedies
(a) Declarations ofinvalidity
(b) Action for darnages
(c) Injunctive relief
(d) Reliance on Articles 81 and 82 as a defence
6. Practice and Procedure in the UK
7. Arbitration Proceedings
8. Table of National Enforcement Regimes
15. State Aids
1. Introduction
2. The Concept ofan Aid
(a) Generaily
(b) Particular applications
3. Aids that are Compatible with the Common Market
4. Aids that may be Compatible with the Common Market
(a) Generaily
(b) Article 87(3)(a)
(c) Article 87(3)(b)
(d) Article 87(3)(c)
(e) Article 87(3)(d)
(f) Aid authorised by the Council
(g) Article 86(2)
5. Supervision underArticle 88
(a) Review ofexisting aids
(b) Notification of new aids
(c) The formal investigation procedure under Article 8 8(2)
6. The Council's Legislative Powers
7. Unlawful Aid and Misuse ofAid
8. Judicial Remedies
(a) National courts
(b) The Community Courts
9. The Relationship between Articles 87-89 and Other Provisions of the Treaty Postscript on Microsoft Index

Part A: Treaty Provisions
Part B: Modernisation and Procedural Matters
Part C: Substantive Anti trust Matters
Part D: Mergers and Concentrations
Part E: Sectoral Regimes
Part F: Public Undertakings
Part G: State Aids

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