Antitrust Law, Economic theory & Common Law Evolution/ (Registro n. 1498)

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Campo fixo de controle local 190617s2003 enk gr 000 0 eng u
020 ## - ISBN
ISBN 0521793785
040 ## - Fonte da Catalogação
Fonte de catalogação BR-BrCADE
090 ## - Número de Chamada
Localização na estante 341.3787 H996a
Cutter H996a
100 10 - Autor
Autor HYLTON, Keith N.
245 10 - Titulo Principal
Título principal Antitrust Law, Economic theory & Common Law Evolution/
260 ## - Editora
Cidade Cambridge, Inglaterra:
Editora Cambridge University Press,
Data 2003.
300 ## - Descrição Física
Número de páginas 413 p.
505 ## - Conteúdo
Conteúdo Contents<br/>Preface <br/><br/>1 Economics <br/>I.Definitions <br/>II.Perfect Competition Versus Monopoly<br/>III. Further Topics <br/><br/>2 Law and Policy <br/>I.Some interpretation Issues <br/>II. Enacting the Antitrust Law <br/>III. What Should Antitrust Law Aim to Do? <br/><br/>3 Enforcement <br/>I. Optinial Enforcement Theory <br/>II. Enforcement Provision of the Antitrust Laws <br/>Appendix <br/><br/>4 Cartels <br/>I. Cartels <br/>II.Conscious Parallelism <br/>III. Conclusion <br/><br/>5 Development of Section 1 Doctrine<br/>I.The Sherman Act Versus the Common Law<br/>II.Ride of Reason and Per-Se Rule <br/>III. Conclusion <br/><br/>6 Rule of Reason and Per-Se Rule <br/>I.The Case for Price Fixing <br/>II.Per-Se and Rule of Reason Analysis: Further Developments <br/>III. Per-Se Versus Rule of Reason Tesrs: Understanding the Supreme Court's Justification for the Per-Se Rule <br/><br/>7 Agreement <br/>I.The Development of Inference Doctrine <br/>II.Rejection of Unilateral Contract Theory <br/><br/>8 Facilitating Mechanisms <br/>I.Data Dissemination Cases <br/>II.Basing Point Pricing and Related Practices<br/>III. Basing Point Pricing: Economics <br/><br/>9 Boycotts <br/>I.Pre-Socony <br/>II.Post-Socony <br/>III. Post-BMI/Sylvania <br/>IV Conclusion<br/> <br/>10 Monopolization <br/>I.Development of Section 2 Doctrine <br/>II.Leveraging and Essential Facility Cases <br/>III. Predatory Pricing <br/>IV Conclusion <br/><br/>11 Power <br/>I.Measuring Market Power <br/>II.Determinants of Market Power <br/>III. Substitutabilty and the Relevant Market: Cellophane <br/>IV Multimarket Monopoly and the Relevant Market: Alcoa <br/>V Measuring Power: Guidelines <br/><br/>12 Attempts <br/>I.The Swift Formula and Modern Doctrine<br/>II.Dangerous Probability Requirernent <br/><br/>13 Vertical Restraints <br/>I.Resale Price Maintenance <br/>II.Vertical Nonprice Restraints <br/>III. Manufacturer Retains Title <br/>IV Agreement <br/><br/>14 Tying and Exclusive Dealing <br/>I.Introduction <br/>II.Early Cases <br/>III. Development of Per-Se Rule <br/>IV Tension Between Rule of Reason Arguments and Per-Se Rule <br/>V Technological Tying <br/>VI. Exclusive Dealing <br/>Appendix <br/><br/>15 Horizontal Mergers <br/>1.Reasons for Merging and Implications for Law <br/>II.Horizontal Merger Law <br/>III. Conclusion<br/>Appendix<br/><br/>16 Mergers, Vertical and Conglomerate <br/>I. Vertical Mergers <br/>II. Conglomerate Mergers <br/>III. Concluding Remarks <br/><br/>17 Antitrust and the State <br/>I.Noerr-Pennington Doctrine <br/>II.Parker Doctrine <br/>III. Some Final Comments: Error Costs and lmmunity Doctrines <br/>Index <br/>
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