Competition policy analysis: (Registro n. 3264)

006 - Campo Fixo - Material Adicional
fixed length control field a|||||r|||| 00| 0
007 - Campo Fixo - Descrição Física
fixed length control field ta
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Campo fixo de controle local 210517b2009 bl ||||g |||| 00| 0 eng u
020 ## - ISBN
ISBN 9783790820898
040 ## - Fonte da Catalogação
Fonte de catalogação BR-BrCADE
090 ## - Número de Chamada
Localização na estante 341.3787 H999c
Cutter H999c
100 1# - Autor
245 10 - Titulo Principal
Título principal Competition policy analysis:
Subtítulo an integrated approach/
260 ## - Editora
Cidade Heidelberg:
Editora Physica-Verlag,
Data 2009.
300 ## - Descrição Física
Número de páginas 527 p.
490 ## - Indicação de Série
Volume v. 41
505 ## - Conteúdo
Conteúdo Table of Contents<br/><br/>1 Introduction<br/>1.1 Motivation and Objectives<br/>1.2 Structure<br/><br/>2 Competition Policy Analysis - An Interated Aproach <br/>2.1 introduction<br/>2.2 Fundamental Level<br/>2.2.1 Competition Is' worth protecting<br/>2.2.2 Competition Needs protection<br/>2.2.3 Competition Policy is Worth it <br/>2.3 Strategic Level<br/>2.3.1 Characterisation and rationalisation<br/>2.3.2 Welfare Effects<br/>2.3.3 Enforcernent<br/>2.4 Operational Level<br/>2.4.1 ldentifying the relevant market<br/>2.4.2 Assessing Market power<br/>2.4.3 Applying Economic frameworks <br/>2.5 Summary and Conclusion <br/><br/>3 Strategic Behaviour of lncumbents - Rationality, Welfare and Competition Policy<br/>3.1 Introduction <br/>3.2 Characterising Strategic Behaviour <br/>3.3 Rationalising Strategic Behaviour <br/>3.3.1 Entry and Strategic (Re)Actions to Entry <br/>3.3.2 Advantages of lncumbents <br/>3.4 Welfare Effects of Strategic Behaviour<br/>3.4.1 Characterising the Competitive Benchmark <br/>3.4.2 Characterising the Welfare Effects of Strategic Behaviour <br/>3.5 Strategic Behaviour and Antitrust Enforcernent <br/>3.5.1 Essential Features of Antitrust Policy<br/>3.5.2 Antitrust Enforcement Options Towards Strategic Behaviour<br/>3.6 Summary and Conclusion<br/><br/>4 Fighting Predation<br/>4.1 introduction <br/>4.2 Characterising Predation<br/>4.3 Rationalising Predation<br/>4.4 Welfare Effects of Predation <br/>4.5 Enforcing Predation<br/>4.5.1 Enforcement in Various Legislations<br/>4.5.2 Characterising Enforcement Stages<br/>4.5.3 Evaluating Enforcement Options in a Linear Duopoly Predation Model <br/>4.5.4 Towards a Policy Framework to Enforce Predation <br/>4.6 Summary and Conclusion<br/><br/>5 Conclusions <br/>6 Annex<br/>6.1 Estimating Customer Losses Due to Cartelisation - Evidence from the Lysine Cartel in the United States<br/>6.2 Estimating the Potential Welfare Effects of a Merger - Evidence from the Nuon-Reliani Case in the Netherlands<br/>6.3 Antitrust Implications of Franchise Agreements <br/>6.3.1 Characterising Franchise Agreements <br/>6.3.2 Rationality of Franchise Agreements<br/>6.3.3 Franchise Agreements and Potential Antitrust Conflicts <br/>6.3.4 Summary and Conclusion<br/>6.4 Critical Loss Analysis in Market Definition and Merger Control <br/>6.4.1 Definition and Economic Foundations <br/>6.4.2 Important Properties ofCritical Loss Analysis<br/>6.4.3 Applications of Critical Loss Analyses<br/>6.4.4 Summary and Conclusion<br/>6.5 The Luflhansa-Germania Case at a Glance <br/>6.5.1 Introduction <br/>6.5.2 The Facts<br/>6.5.3 The Antitrust Case<br/>6.5.4 Outlook<br/>6.6 Proofs<br/>6.6.1 Allocative and Productive Inefficiencies in Monopoly<br/>6.6.2 Instability of Cartels in One-Shot Games <br/>6.6.3 Stability of Cartels in Supergames<br/>6.6.4 Resource Allocation by an Antitrust Authority <br/>6.6.5 Profitability of a Price Increase<br/>6.6.6 Deriving the Price-Cost Margin for a Differentiated Good <br/>6.6.7 Price Effects of Mergers in a Differentiated Bertrand Model<br/>6.6.8 Sufficient Percentage Cost Reduction to Prevent Price Increases in a Homogenous Product Merger <br/>6.6.9 Sufficient Percentage Cost Reduction to Prevent Price increases in a Differentiated Products Merger<br/>6.6.10 Assessment of Market Power<br/>6.6.11 Proof of lnequality (75) in Section 4.4<br/>6.6.12 Proof of lnequality(76) in Section 4.4<br/>6.6.13 Proof of lnequality (79) and (80) in Section<br/>6.6.14 Proof of lnequality (83) in Section<br/>6.6.15 Proof of lnequality(85) in Section <br/>6.7 Data Tables<br/><br/>List of Figures<br/>List of Tables <br/>List of Boxes<br/>List of Abbreviations <br/>List of Mathematical Symbols <br/>References<br/><br/>
650 #0 - ASSUNTO
9 (RLIN) 644
Assunto Defesa da concorrência
650 #0 - ASSUNTO
9 (RLIN) 2218
Assunto Advocacia da concorrência
942 ## - Elementos de Entrada Adicionados
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