The Foundations of the New Institutional Economics/

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Autores adicionais: MENARD, Claude ; Editor
Publicado por : Edward Elgar, (Cheltenham, Inglaterra:) Detalhes físicos: 526 p. ISBN:1843766604. Ano: 2004 Tipo de Material: Livros
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General Introduction Claude
Ménard !ntroduction Claude Ménard

1. Bernard Mandevilie ([ 173211988), The Grumbling Hive: or, Knaves turn'd Honest', in The Fable of the Bees: or Private Vices,
Publick Benefits, Indianapolis, IN: Liberty Classics, 17-37
2. Adam Smith ([17761 1976), 'Of the Division of Labour', 0f the Principie Which Gives Occasion to the Division of Labour' and 'That the Division of Labour is Limited by the Exient of the Market', in R.H. Campbeli, A.S. Skinner and W.B. Todd (eds), An Inquiry into the Nature and Causes of the Wealth ofNations, Giasgow Edition, Volume 1, Book 1, Chapters 1, 11 and III, Oxford: Clarendon
Press, 13-24, 25-30, 31-6

3. R.H. Coase (1937), 'The Nature of the Firm', Economica, 4 (16),
New Series, November, 386-405
4. H.B. Malmgren (1961), 'Information, Expectations and the Theory
of the Firm', Quarterly Journal o! Economics, 75 (3), August,399-421
5. Herbert A. Simon (1962), 'The Architecture of Compiexity',
Proceedings of the American Philosophical Society, 106 (6), December, 467-82
6. Kenneth J. Arrow (1970), 'The Organization of Economic Activity:
Issues Pertinent to the Choice of Market versus Nonmarket
Aliocation', in Robert H. Haveman and Julius Margolis (eds),
Public Expenditures and Policy Analysis, Chapter 2, Chicago, IL:
Markham Publishing Company, 59-73
7. Lance E. Davis and Douglass C. North with the assistance of Calia
Smorodin (1971), 'ATheory of Institutional Change: Concepts and
Causes', in institutional Change andAmerican Economic Growth,
Chapter 1, Cambridge: Cambridge University Press, 3-25
8. Armen A. Alchian and Harold Demsetz (1972), 'Production,
Information Costs, and Economic Organization', American Economic Review, 62 (5), December, 777-95
9. Steven N.S. Cheung (1973), 'The Fabie of the Bees: An Economic
Investigation', Journal o! Law and Economics, XVI (1), April, 11-33
10. Oliver E. Williamson (1979), 'Transaction-Cost Economics: The Governance of Contractual Relations', Journal o! Law and
Economics, XXII (2), October, 233-61 1
11. Leonid Hurwicz (1987), 'Inventing New Institutions: The Design Perspective', A,nerican Journal of Agricultural Economics, 69 (2),
May, 395-402

12. Andrew Schotter (1981), 'The Nature and Function of Social
Institutions', in The Economic Theory o! Social Institutions, Chapter
1, Cambridge: Cambridge University Press, 1-17, 165-6, references
13. Leonid Hurwicz (1996), 'Institutions as Families of Game Forms',
Japanese Economic Review, 47 (2), June, 113-32
14. Masahiko Aoki (2000), 'Institutional Evolution as Punctuated
Equilibria', in Claude Ménard (ed), Institutions, Contracts and
Organizations: Perspectives froin New institutional Economics,
Chapter 3, Cheltenham, UK and Northampton, MA, USA: Edward
Elgar, 11-33
15. David M. Kreps (1996), 'Markets and Hierarchies and
(Mathematical) Economic Theory', industrial and Corporate
Change, 5 (2), 561-95
16. Mjchael H. Riordan and Oliver E. Williamson (1985), 'Asset
Specificity and Economic Organization', Inrernational Journal of
Industrial Organization, 3 (4), 365-78
17. Patrick Bajari and Steven Tadelis (2001), 'Incentives versus
Transaction Costs: A Theory of Procurement Contracts', RAND
Journal of Economics, 32 (3), Autumn, 387-407
18. Kenneth A. Shepsle and Barry R. Weingast (1981), 'Structure-
Induced Equilibrium and Legislative Choice', Public Choice, 37, 503-19

19. Eirik G. Furubotn and Rudolf Richter (1997), 'Introductory Observations', in Institutions and Economic Theory: The Contributio,z of the New institutional Economics, Chapter Ann
Arbor, MI: University of Michigan Press, 1-37, references
20, James M. Buchanan (1975), 'A Contractarian Paradigm for Applying Economic Theory', American Economic Review, Papers and
Proceedings, 65 (2), May, 225-30
21. Elinor Ostrom (1986), 'An Agenda for the Study of Institutions',
Public Choice, 48 (1), 3-25
22. Mark Granovetter (1992), 'Economic Institutions as Social Constructions: A Framework for Analysis', Acta Sociologica, 35 (1),3-11
23. R.C.O. Matthews (1986), 'The Economics of Institutions and the Sources of Growth', Economic Journal, 96 (384), December,903-18
24. Masahiko Aoki (1996), Towards a Comparative Institutional Analysis: Motivations and Some Tentative Theorizing', Japanese
Econornic Review, 47 (1), March, 1-19
25. Claude Ménard (1995), 'Markets as Institutions versus Organizations as Markets? Disentangling Some Fundamental Concepts', Journa
Of Economic Behavior and Organization, 28 (3), 161-82
26. Ronald Coase (1998), 'The New Institutional Economics',American
Econornic Review, Papers and Proceedings, 88 (2), May, 72-4
Narne Index

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