Competition Law/

por WHISH, Richard
[ Livros ] Motivo da edição:5. ed. Publicado por : LexisNexis, (Edimburgo:) Detalhes físicos: 989 p. ISBN:0406959501. Ano: 2003 Tipo de Material: Livros
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Table of statutes
Table of staturory instruments
Table of EC legislarion
Table of Conipetition Commission reports
Table of OFT reports
Table of cases
List of abbreviations

Competition policy and economics
1. The theory of competition
2. The function of competition law
3. Market definition and market power

Overview of EC and UK competition law
1. EC law
2. UK law
3. The relationship between EC competition law and national competition laws
4. The institutional structure of EC and UK competition law

1. Undertakings
2. Agreemenrs, decisions and concerted practices
3. The object or effect of preventing, restricting or distorting competition
4. The de minimis doctrine
5. The effect on trade between member states
6. Checklist of agreements that fali outside Articie 81(1)

Article 81(3)
1. The criteria for exemption under Article 81(3)
2. Notification for individual exemption
3. The implicarions of the Modernisation Reguiation 168 4 Block exemptions

Article 82
1. Introduction
2. Undertakings
3. The effect on inter-state trade
4. Dominant position
5. A substantial part of the comrnon market
6. Smail firms and narrow markets
7. Abuse
8. Abuse of dominance and property rights
9. Powers of the Commission under Article 82 and the Modernisarion Regulation
10. Civil consequences of Article 82

The obligations of Member States under the EC competition rules
1. lntroduction
2. Article 10
3. Article 86
4. Article 31 - State monopolies of a commerciai character
5. Articies 87 to 89— State aids

Articles 81 and 82: enforcement by the European Commission and national competition authorities under the Modernisation Regulation
1. lhe pollcv behind the modei ni'ition prugramrne
2. Overview of the Modernisatiun Regulation
3. Chapter I: principies
4. Chapter II: powers
5. Chapter III: Commission decisions
6. Chapter IV: cooperation
7. Chapter V. powers of investigation
8. Chapter VI: penalties
9. Chapter VII: limitation periods
10. Chapter VIII: hearings and professional secrecy
11. Chapter IX: exemption regulations
12. Chapter X: general provisions
13. Chapter XI: transitional, amending and final provisions
14. judicial review

Articles 81 and 82: enforcement in the courts of Member States
1. Introduction
2. The impact of the Modernisation Regulation
3. The enforceabiliry of agreements: Article 81
4. The enforceability of agreements: Article 82
5. Actions for an injunction and/or damages

Competition Act 1998 - substantive provisions
1. Introduction
2. The Chapter I prohibition
3. The Chapter II prohibition
4.Governing principies clause': section 60 of the Competition Act 1998
5. Table of published decisions under the Competition Act 1998

Competition Act 1998: enforcement and procedure
1. Inquiries and investigations
2. Complaints and super-complaints
3. Notification
4. Enforcement
5. The cartel offence and company director disqualification
6. Concurrency
7. Appeals and references under Article 234 EC
8. The enforcement of the Competition Act 1998 in civil courts
9. The impact of the EC Modernisation Regulation

Enterprise Act 2002: market investigatons
2. Overview of the provisions on market investigation references
3. OFTmarketstudies
4. Super-complaints
5. Marketinvestigation references
6. Public interest cases
7. Enforcement
8. Supplementary provisions
9. Recenr monopoly and complex monopoly references under the Fair Trading Act

The international dimension of competition law
1. Introduction
2. Extraterritoriality: thcory and US law
3. The extraterritorial application of EC competition law
4. The extraterritorial application of UK competition law
5. Resistance to extraterritorial application of competition law
6. The internationalisation of competition, law

Horizontal agreernents (1) - carteis
1. The hardening attitude of competition authorities towards carteis
2. Major cartel cases since 1986
3. Horizontal price fixing
4. Horizontal market sharing
5. Quotas and other restrictions on production
6. Collusive tender] ng
7. Agreements relating to terms and conditions
8. Information agreernents
9. Advertising restrictions
10. Anti -competi tive horizontal restraints
11. UK law

Horizontal agreements (2) - oligopoly, tacit coilusion and collective dominance
1. Introduction
2. The theory of oligopolistic interdependence
3. Article 81
4. Article 82 and coliective dominance
5. The ECMR and coliective dominance
6. UK law

Horizontal agreements (3) - cooperation agreements
1. Introduction
2. Full-function joint ventures
3. The application of Article 81 to horizontal cooperation agreements and the Commission's Horizontal Guidelines
4. The analytical framework in the Commission's Guidelines for the most common types of horizontal cooperation agreements under Article 81
5. Research and development agreements
6. Production agreements, including specialisation agreements
7. Purchasing agreements
8. Commercialisation agreements
9. Agreements on standards
10. Environmental agreements
11. Other cases of permissible horizontal cooperation
12. The application of the Chapter 1 prohibition in the UK Competition Act 1998 to horizontal cooperation agreements

Vertical agreements
1. The distribution chain
2. Vertical integration
3. Commercial agents
4. Vertical agreements: competition policy considerations
5. Vertical agreements: Article 81(1)
6. The path to reform of the block exemptions
7. Vertical agreements: Regulation 2790/99 617
8. The application of Article 81(3) to agreements that do not satisfy the biock exemption
9. Regulation 1400/2002 on Motor Vehicle Distribution
10. Sub-contracting agreements
11. UK law

Abuse of dominance (1): non-pricing practices
1. Exclusive agreements
2. Tie-in agreements
3. Refusal to supply
4. Abuses that are harmful to the single Market
5. Miscellaneous cases
6. UK law

Abuse of dominance (2): pricing practices
1. Cost concepts
2. Exploitative pricing practices
3. Pricing practices having effects similar to exclusive or tie-in agreements
4. Pricing practices intended to eliminate competitors
5. Price discrimination
6. Pricing practices that are harmful to the single market
7. UK law

The relationship between inteliectual property rights and competition Iaw
1. Introduction
2. Licences of inteliectual property rights: Article 8 1(1)
3. Licences of inteilectual property rights: Regulation 240/96
4. Licences of inteliectual property rights: individual assessment under Article81(3)
5. Horizontal agreements relating to inteliectual property rights
6. Article 82 and inteilectual property rights
7. Inteilectual property rights and the free movement provisions of the Treaty of Rome
8. UKlaw

Mergers (1) - introduction
1. Introduction
2. Terminology
3. Merger activity
4. The proliferation of systems of merger control
5. Why do firms rnerge?
6. What is the purpose of merger control?
7. Designing a system of merger control

Mergers (2) - EC Iaw
1. Introduction
2. EC Merger Regulation
3. Making sense of the EMCR: outline of this chapter
4. Jurisdiction
5. Notification, suspension of concentrations, procedural timetable and powers ofdecision
6. Substantive analysis
7. Commitments
8. Powers of investigation and enforcement
9. International cooperation
10. Judicial review under the ECMR
11. The ECMR in practice
12. Mandatory review and the Commission's proposais for reform of the ECMR

Mergers (3) - UK Iaw
1. Introduction
2. Overview of UK merger control
3. Duty to make references
4. Public interest cases 898 S. Other special cases
6. Enforcement
7. Supplementary provisions
8. The 'substantial lessening of competition test
9. The merger provisions in practice
10. Mergers in the water industry

Particular sectors
1. Nuclear energy
2. Military equipment
3. Agriculture
4. Coal and steel
5. Transport
6. Regulated industries
7. Electronic communications
8. Post
9. Gas
10. Electricity
11. Water


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