Competition law and policy in Latin America/

[ Livros ]
Autores adicionais: FOX, Eleanor M. ; Editora | SOKOL, D Daniel ; Editor
Publicado por : Hart, (Oregon:) Detalhes físicos: 493 p. ISBN:9781841138824. Ano: 2009 Tipo de Material: Livros
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Biblioteca Agamenon Magalhães
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Table of Cases
Table of Legislation
Table of Agreernents, Conventions, Treaties, etc

Chapter 1 Introduction
Eleanor M Fox and D Daniel Sokol

Chapter II The Development of Human Capital in Latin American Competition Policy
D Daniel Sokol

Chapter III The Recent Development ofthe Brazilian Competition Policy System
Elizabeth MMQ Farina and Patricia Agra Araújo

Chapter IV Mexican Competition Policy
Marcos Ava los Bracho

Chapter V The Argentine Competition Law and its Enforcernent
Germán Coloma

Chapter VI To What Extent Will the Possibility of Executing Agreements with Cartel Members lmpact on Brazilian Antitrust Policy
Leopoldo Ubiratan Carreiro Pagotto

Chapter VII 'Gun Jumping' or Cartel: Is Brazil Prepared for this Analysis?
Leonor Cordovil

Chapter VIII Leniency Program in Brazil
Mauro Grinberg

Chapter IX Building Trust in Antitrust: The Chilean Case
Elina Cruz and Sebastian Zarate

Chapter X Quality of Evidence and Cartel Prosecution: TheCase of Chile
ALdo González

Chapter XI Tacit Coilusion in Latin America: A Comparative Study of the Competition Laws and Their Enforcement in Argentina, Brazil, Chile, Colombia and Panama
Juan D Gutiérrez R

Chapter XII The Detection of Carteis and the Biending of Law and Economics
Williarn S Comanor

Chapter XIII Collusion in Convergent Markets
Víctor Pavón-Villamayor

Chapter XIV Latin America and the Contro! of International Cartels
John M Connor

Chapter XV Private Enforcement Against International Cartels
in Latin America: A US Perspective
Daniel A Crane

Chapter XVI The US Federal Trade Commission and Competition Advocacy: Lessons for Latin American Competition Policy
Todd 1 Zywicki and Ia rn es C Cooper

Chapter XVII Determinants of the Fares in the Chilean Airline Market: An Empirical Approximation to the Case of LAN CHILE
Roy Costilia and Javier Velozo

Chapter XVIII Mergers, Prices and Concentration in the Supermarket Industry: The Case of Chile
Andrés Gómez-Lobo and Aldo González

Chapter XIX The Agricultura! Sector and Competition Policy in Colombia
Ricardo Arguelio and María Clara Lozano Ortiz de Zarate

Chapter XX Merger Policy in Latin America
Joseph Krauss

Chapter XXI Downloading Competition Law from a Regional TradeAgreement: A Strategy to Introduce Competition Law in Bolivia and Ecuador
Francisco Marcos

Chapter XXII Promoting Competition Policies from the Private Sector in Latin America
Julián Pcna


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