Competition policy for the new era:
[ Livros ]

Localização atual | Classificação | Exemplar | Situação | Previsão de devolução | Código de barras | Reservas do item |
Biblioteca Agamenon Magalhães | 327 C737 (Percorrer estante) | 1 | Disponível | 2021-0063 |
List of Tables xiii
List of Figures xv
Tembinkosí Bonakele, Eleanor M Fox, and Liberiy Mncube
1. Towards a Broader View of Competition Policy
Joseph E Stiglitz
2. Outsider Antitrust: 'Making Markets Work for People' as a Post-Millennium Development Goal
Eleanor M Fox
3. The Case for a BRICS Competition Agenda
Tem binkosi Bonakele
4. Global Governance of Antitrust and the Need for a BRICS Joint Research Platform in Competition Law and Policy
loannis Lianos
5. BRICS and the Global Competition Law Project
Alexey Yurievich Ivanov
6. Successes and Challenges in the Fight against Cartels
Joseph E Harrington, Jr
7. The Economics of Antitrust Sanctioning: A Review with Recommendations for Improving Current Sanctioning Regimes
Yannis Katsoulacos and Eleni Metsiou
8. Remedies in BRICS Countries: Are There Lessons from and for Competition Economics?
Svetlana Avdasheva and Tariana Radchenko
9. Crafting Creative Competition Remedies in South Africa
Liberty Mncube, Thulani Mandiriza, and Micheile Viljoen
10. Public Interest Issues in Cross-Border Mergers: Is there a Role for Competition Authorities?
Yongama Njisane and Hardin Ratshisusu
11. Barriers to Entry and Implications for Competition Policy
Simon Roberts
12. Some Key Issues Concerning Further Development of China's Anti-Monopoly Law
Wang Xianlin
13. Excessive Pricing Regulation in China, South Africa, and Other BRICS Member States
Richard Murgatroyd, Yan Yu, and Innes Barnardt
14. Guidelines as aTool to Promote Competition Enforcement in Brazil
Márcio de Oliveira júnior and Paulo Burnier da Silveira
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